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Everything posted by hawkinator

  1. I get 166 when I add that up on my calculator, you might want to double check that. (edit) I see what you did there, you sneakily fixed it while no one was looking
  2. The beginnings of Artemis Mun Base. (I like Greek mythology names for stuff) Points: Mun (10) 2 Hab modules: (30) 4 Resident Kerbals (4) 1 Site (10) A Sight to Behold (50) Total: 104 points Next up: Minmus! I plan on setting up small outposts in a lot of places, and then try to build them up, that way I'm not just doing the same thing all time.
  3. banned for requesting to be banned
  4. Banned for attempting to ban a moderator
  5. I think you might want to take a look at that chart again. Blutonium comes from two places, a rock drill anywhere, or a hydroscoop on Eve. That doesn't means that you can mine Blutonium anywhere with a rock drill, but only on Eve with a Hydroscoop. Of course, I may have misread what you said.
  6. Yay! glad someone redid this! About to get back into colonizing!
  7. Banned for taste-testing toblerones
  8. The forum only allows me to have 10 options in a poll, so not all of the submissions could be included . Unfortunately, this meant I had to pick and choose my favorites to include. I apologize if your submission did not make it, I wanted to include a lot of submissions that I could not fit in the poll.
  9. Wow, 17 people beat Capt'n Skunky. That's got to be a new record!
  10. A poll has been added to the OP!! See first page for more info.
  11. Damion Rayne Kerbal Space Program Community Manager, or so I've been told.
  12. I feel like it is appropriate to put a link to This Thread here
  13. I like that one!! It is good. Keep coming up with names and I will add a poll to the OP. [edit] This has happened.
  14. Feel free to use it! (I will get a not quite secret feeling of accomplishment if it becomes the widely used name for this event. This will only happen if people besides me take it up and start using it. Of course, not all of them will recognize me, but some will.)
  15. What name do you think should be given to the recent incident that has caused massive pandemonium across the forum? I believe it should be called the Great Forum Purge of April 2013, mostly because I think it sounds cool, but also because it reminds me of those large historical disasters from the 18th and early 19th centuries that were given names like that. A poll has been added to the main post. Do not feel bad if your submission is not in it, there were a lot of really good submissions, but only 10 of them could be in the poll.
  16. Banned for surviving the Great Forum Purge of April 2013.
  17. Granted, but it runs out of power while flying hovering over a pool of boiling lava and you die. I wish the TARDIS was real.
  18. Hi, my name is Hawkinator. I used to have a fairly large number of posts, but my account got deleted in the incident. Now I have to start all over again like a n00b. This makes me only slightly mad, but I just hope that things can get back to running normally soon.
  19. Granted, but none of your posts are there, only everyone else's I wish for this to never happen again.
  20. The new site is looking great! Helping you rebuild your empire!! (added to rep, posted on thread)
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