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Everything posted by hawkinator

  1. False, I don't generally explain complicated things well. The user below me has never been to Dres.
  2. banned for killing kerbals on duna
  3. New planets, Dres, Pol, and Eeloo New resource system keeps track of fuel in a whole new way, there are seven stock resources: Solid fuel (which will be familiar), liquid fuel (which is used alongside oxidizer in rockets and with intake air in jet engines), oxidizer is used in equal proportions with liquid fuel, and rocket fuel tanks carry both in equal proportions, intake air is required to run jet engines, it is gathered by the air intakes, electricity is used to power probes, lights, rover wheels, and ion engines, monopropellant is just another name for RCS fuel, and xenon gas is used to power ion engines. Right click on a tank and then alt+right click on another tank to bring up the resource transfer system, where you can move fuel between any two tanks that are attached to your vehicle in any way. Probes. probes will cease to function if you do not supply them with electricity. Solar panels and RTGs are used to provide electricity. Also, a bunch of new probe-sized parts have been added. Docking. This brings a whole new challenge to the game, since before there were not very many good reasons to rendezvous with other craft in orbit. The manuever node system. Makes rendezvous actually manageable for new players, and almost easy for those of us who know what we're doing. Also, it makes everything else you do in orbit easier. Cosmetic re-entry effects. That should be a fairly exhaustive list of new things.
  4. Quicksaves are the key to victory!! That, and proven, simple launch vehicles that pretty much work every time. Plus it helps that the lander design works well just about anywhere. You may have noticed that the bases are pretty much the same in all the colonies. Only Jool and Tylo will be requiring special attention in terms of how the lander for the Habitat module is constructed. The brilliance of it is that it has all three major means of landing on things, parachutes for worlds with thick atmospheres (Eve, Kerbin, Laythe), rockets for medium to medium-low gravity worlds (Most of the planets fit this description), RCS thrusters for very low gravity worlds (Gilly, Bop, Pol), and Duna is a somewhat special case, but the combination of rockets and parachutes takes care of it. This only leaves Tylo with it's high gravity and lack of atmosphere and Jool, which requires special airship colonies.
  5. Banned for not surviving the catastrophe.
  6. False The user below me owns a dog
  7. More stuff!! (Pictures Galore) Added a second module to my Eve base, And set up the first module of Moho base Hermes, My next module was originally going to head to Pol, but this happened when I did my transfer burn, How I managed to get a Laythe encounter shortly after leaving Kerbin SOI is beyond me, but I decided that Pol could wait. Laythe Colony Poseidon. Eve: (30) - 2 Habitat modules (30) - 4 Kerbals (4) - 1 Site (10) Subtotal: (74) Moho: (90) - 1 Habitat module (15) - 2 Kerbals (2) - 1 Site (10) Subtotal: (117) Laythe (90) - 1 Habitat module (15) - 2 Kerbals (2) - 1 Site (10) Subtotal: (117) Unchanged bases: - Mun: (104) - Minmus: (59) - Duna: (62) Grand Total: 533
  8. False (I think). The user below me just got done landing a new base on Laythe.
  9. Banned for not using Google products!! (Let's start naming tech companies now!)
  10. Banned for assuming I use Apple Itunes.
  11. Banned for talking about Portal 2 with a Minecraft inspired avatar.
  12. False. The user below me is in college.
  13. True, I'm pretty good at typing. (Sometimes my fingers type faster than I can think of things to say, then dsfklahdfadhgdadjihjhgouasdgh comes out) The user below me plays KSP on their crappy laptop.
  14. False, for now. The user below me has landed on Gilly using RCS thrusters.
  15. banned for taking 21 minutes to respond
  16. I have persistent debris set to zero. When it is on, you just get a lot of useless junk cluttering up your map view, and the game get slower the more things are in persistence.
  17. Banned for reading this post at 7 PM.
  18. I kinda miss it, but I'm more excited about whats coming next than I am sad to see it go. Honestly, it probably should have gone away a while ago.
  19. False, not a clue. The next user's favorite cheese is Pepper Jack!
  20. True. The next user likes cheese.
  21. As I recall, in the original challenge, having any kind of transport (mk I, mk II, mk IV, or mk V) extended the maximum distance between modules to 10 km. The ANT itself wasn't worth anything, but you couldn't have a recon without an ant in it. Of course, things are a little different here, since we're talking about distinct "sites" with a radius of 1 km. In the original challenge, there was no penalty or bonus for having multiple colony sites, they were still considered part of the colony, as long as you had some form of transportation for the residents.
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