Concerning mods, I personally am open to the idea of opening up this thread to certain specific mods, BUT if we do then we have to all agree to those mods and everybody has to install those mods (an official mod list would be added to the OP). You'd get a bunch of errors if you tried to load a persistence, quicksave, or .craft file that has mod parts that aren't installed in your game. I like mods, I have a lot of them, so it's not a matter of me being opposed to the use of mods in this thread, but rather the fact that allowing mods in a thread like this is potentially problematic. My personal list of mods that I use regularly: Kethane, HOME, HOME CDSS, DEMV MK 1,2,3,4,5, KAS, Firespitter, Hooligan labs airships, MechJeb, ISA mapsat, KW rocketry, Bobcat's MPSS.