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Everything posted by hawkinator

  1. True. It was fun. The next user is going to use the letter 'g' in their post.
  2. Granted!! Here is how. Step 1: Create an Imgur account. If you already have an Imgur account, skip to step 2. Step 2: Click here: Step 3: Click here: Step 4: Select an image from your computer using the dialog box. Click Ok, Click Upload. Wait a few seconds. Step 5: On the sidebar, there will be several different kinds of links. Select the one that says "Direct Link" and ends with an extension for a photo. Copy the link. Step 6: Back on the forum, click the insert image button on the toolbar and paste the link into the resulting dialog box, or just type the [noparse][/NOPARSE]) Click "Go Advanced" to see a preview of you post so you can know if it worked or not. I now have no idea how to corrupt this wish. I wish this process was easier.
  3. Finally! Some competition!! I was starting to get tired of sitting at the top of the leaderboard with no-one even close. Therefore, I will post a new base, my first Eeloo colony, Eos. And while I'm at it, it's about time I showed you a picture of my main lifter. It gets the hab module on top as far as Dres or Eve normally, but if refueled in orbit can go as far as Moho or Eeloo. My score: Eos: Eeloo(120) - 1 Habitat Module (15) - 2 Kerbals (2) - 1 Site (10) Subtotal: 147 Other Bases: Artemis: 137 Aphrodite: 74 Hermes: 117 Ares: 62 Hestia: 87 Poseidon: 117 Demeter: 102 Grand Total: 1009 Time to get busy and Colonize!
  4. Granted, but it is now the only way to make nuclear powered generators, thus making spaceflight to Pluto nearly impossible. I wish I had a computer that was competent enough to play resource-hogging games.
  5. Banned for suggesting he let his school/work suffer in favor of KSP.
  6. False, but I plan on learning one day. The next user hopes to travel to space IRL one day.
  7. You might want to get in touch with this guy. I hear he has a few guns...
  8. Granted, but you secretly hate the thing you have created, and by extension gradually grow to hate yourself. I wish we could have the data that we lost in the forum catastrophe back.
  9. False. The next user lives in the United States.
  10. Granted, Tonka toys are now made of paper-thin glass. I wish I could one day afford a trip to Mars.
  11. False. The user below me has never been to Arkansas.
  12. It's seems as if this thread is used for talking about Chobit's art whenever Chobit posts new images or someone has a question. The rest of the time, we talk about random off-topic things. Then someone makes a sub-thread for the off-topic discussion, it eventually dies out, and a new off-topic discussion begins on the main thread. This pattern appears to not have any end, and has repeated itself many times, both before and after the forum catastrophe, with a few occasional tweaks to the details. It is rumored that Chobit enjoys watching this and that it is all a secret ploy to keep her thread at the top of the page even if it's been a while since the last image.
  13. False. The next user has never eaten pizza.
  14. Banned for having a default user title.
  15. Banned for eating pizza in a parallel universe.
  16. Possibly locked in a polar Kerbol orbit with no delta-v. (I'm tired I should probably go to bed now.)
  17. False. It's in your sig. The next user is a spambot.
  18. Considering that cheese has rotten luck (since it's always getting eaten), I seem to have far superior luck. The next user is not a cat.
  19. Silly ROFLCopter, you should know by now that there is no escaping the realm of Chobit.
  20. Banned for "your move now"-ing.
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