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Everything posted by hawkinator

  1. banned for assuming that Arkansas is in the middle of nowhere.
  2. Banned for living in San Francisco.
  3. Texan eh? Then you obviously must be a terrible driver who has a lot of guns The next user hates stereotypical statements.
  4. True. The next user lives in the same country as me
  5. false. The next user doesn't have ribbons
  6. False. The next user wants to see someone actually try something from the 100 ways to get kicked out of Wallmart thread.
  7. true. The next user likes SpaceX.
  8. Banned for attempting to control the space kraken.
  9. Banned in big pink comic sans for mentioning Microsoft in your sig.
  10. Well, right now I like the fact that it still exists, so yes. The next user does not like the US government shutdown.
  11. banned for using other fonts that are not comic sans HE HE HE
  12. Accidentally smashed my colony building reusable mothership into Minmus. (The goal was to orbit, then deliver space station components and the first base module.) Came up with ideas for a kerbal language.
  13. Indeed, this is a necro, although not a bad idea, somebody should probably redo it.
  14. Odd, none of them worked for me... , well at least until I reconfigured them. Also the reconfigured ones have the new SAS system stuff. (reaction wheels modules and the like), so I guess they're better anyway. Will test this with a fresh install.
  15. I usually put stations at 250-300 km (faster time warping) and I almost always put interplanetary vessels at 650 km (allows max timewarp)
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