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Posts posted by jshier

  1. I agree that it should have a lower TWR than most of the liquid fuel engines, and far worse atmospheric performance, since that's such an engine works realistically. But it shouldn't be quite so heavy (it is designed for space travel after all, so some effort should be made to that end), shouldn't have lost gimbaling (nearly all rocket engines have gimbaling, it's been around for decades), and shouldn't overheat when in use, as those engines are self cooling, just like the normal liquid fuel engines.

  2. I don't like this general heat engine. Reentry heat was a nice additional challenge since you had to use the right parts to avoid blowing up and not reenter too steeply, but the system was pretty forgiving. With this, we've got just waste heat from parts, which was not a fun part of the interstellar mod at all. So we have to add all of these additional parts, whether they're intended to be radiators or not.

  3. I've been playing around with Unity 5 since it released and am finding a huge amount of stuff common in old versions has been made obsolete. Every reference to those functions will have to be redone. Honestly? I wouldn't be surprised if they decide not to upgrade to U5 at all, because it will be an enormous undertaking by any standard.

    That would mean that the game's graphical and physics engines would never be updated again, as Unity 4 is EOL. So they have to upgrade. I think 1.0 gives them a great opportunity to do so. They can fix bugs on U4 while most of their effort is focused on upgrading to U5.

  4. Unity 5 will be available today, but like basic.syntax, I'd like them to finish 1.0 before upgrading. Mind you, I think upgrading is important, and I'd really like a 64-bt OS X client, but finishing the gameplay for everyone is the priority.

    Edit: Just looked, and the physics enhancements are awesome. After 1.0, this upgrade should really be the priority.

  5. Newly-appointed mod going out of their way to impose their own idea of order, maybe?

    What I want to know is why isn't there some kind of standard or defaulting rule that says any thread over a certain age or so many posts remains where it is, or something like that? Who cares if it's not exactly in the right place, according to one or two individuals?

    Whatever the reason, if hundreds or even thousands of users are flocking to a thread where it is, it's pretty bad form to just shift the whole thing without even slipping a post into the thread about it.

    Agreed. Move back please.

  6. I use MechJeb for the info windows (orbital, surface, rendezvous, vessel, dV), for plotting Hohmann transfers and other operations, and rendezvous guidance and automation. I dock myself, I just use MJ to match orbits and speeds until I'm close enough that doing it manually won't take forever. Oh, and executing long burns. I've had half hour burns before, so MJ is a lifesaver.

    Also, auto staging and limiting my velocity during ascent, for a more optimal ascent. I do my own turns. I usually have MJ do the circularization though.

    Basically, I use MJ to eliminate tedium, i.e. maneuvers that are always the same.

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