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Everything posted by dragoncannon

  1. I've been at that radar dish....
  2. Herman Oberth: Saving on Delta V since 1894
  3. no dont worry about it...only time I worry about crashing to a spacecraft is in rendezvous... and these particular sats consist of about 5-6 different designs...
  4. Its a relatively new save file... 97 active flights (in about 30 game days) K-Sat series - 45 satellites in various orbits around Kerbin Mun-Sat series - 20 satellites in various orbits around the Mun Min-Sat Series - 20 satellites in various orbits around Minmus Salvation 1- a probe on a solar escape Trajectory DS-Sun- probe in a low orbit around the sun HKO Research Station - a station sharing an orbit with the MUN 2 spacecraft safely landed at Kerbin 1 Spacecraft crash-landed on the Mun (crew was rescued) 2 Flags on the Mun Dun-Sat and Jul-Sat are each in LKO preparing to deploy 10 satellites each to Duna and Jool respectively as their windows arrive.
  5. I didn't think NASA use MechJeb... I always thought the reason they count down by saying "t minus 10" was to remind them to turn the ASAS on though.
  6. I have mechjeb, but I'm more or less flying manually... I submitted this for my own venturestar challenge and It is the first 2 episodes in my series. I also have 3 one man pods, does that count for the points? If so... 80 pts....
  7. The Stargazer SSTO can easily fulfill these tasks- although it launches vertically... It is based on the Lockheed Martin development (cancelled 2001) that was scheduled to replace the space shuttle... Launch Landing
  8. This is the challenge, shall you choose to accept it? Build a VTOHL (Vertical Take Off Horizantal Landing), ROCKET-ONLY, SSTO that can carry at least 3 Kerbals to LKO and return them safely to KSP. RULES: 1. Nothing Decouples at any point 2. Spacecraft must launch vertically and land horizontally 3. Spacecraft must arrive in a stable orbit 4. No Jet Engines 5. No mods allowed other than Mech Jeb Submit pics or video... here's mine: the Stargazer SSTO...
  9. Big yellow spacecraft... Bill Bob and Jeb prepare for a rocket launch. An orang tank, a mainsail prepared for a Mun shot. Don't it always seem to go... the countdown starts at 10 than yure off... Bill Bob and Jeb prepare for a rocket launch. Take all the SRBs put them in an SRB museum... and we could charge Jeb a dollar and a half just to see them Dont it always seem to go...
  10. I started a new youtube series... I'd love to know what you guys think... My first two videos follow the flight of my SSTO VTOHL Stargazer- based on the x-33/ venture star concept. First episode up! 2nd Episode 3rd Episode
  11. Kerbal PIRATES- Skull and Crossed SRBS!!!
  12. I posted this in the "Science" section a couple of days ago. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/29293-A-REAL-Space-Oddity Still... watched it again. Still frakin awesome!
  13. Don't know how many of you have seen this video of Chris Hadfield, former commander of the ISS, performing Space Oddity aboard the space station. Worth a look. http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/floating-most-peculiar-way-astronaut-chris-hadfield-sings-david-bowie-1C9898083
  14. "Kerbol" is a "rogue star", floating in intergalactic space. It just happens to have a system of planets around it. http://starchild.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/StarChild/questions/question29.html
  15. I pre-plan my missions so that I can run multiple at the same time. Before I start, I make sure I know when I will have a proper launch widow. I figure out when will I have a return flight window. And I input those into Kerbal Alarm Clock so I can keep track. At this point I decide on mission architecture. Single launch... multi launch... Probe... Kerballed... and design the neccisary hardware to complete said mission.
  16. You can also calculate DeltaV manually... dV= exhasut velocity x ln (mass full/mass empty). The exhaust velocity is just the Isp multiplied by acceleration due to gravity... However, be careful for an Eve mission... I haven't tested this, but I believe that the Isp (atmosphere) given in the game is at Sea level on Kerbin. If that is the case, you can expect significantly worse performance on Eve. As a matter of fact, that may be the cause of your discrepency.
  17. You need to move the rover to the VAB. Without mods this cannot be done in game. Open your ksp folder and then the saves folder open the folder for that save and find the ships folder inside of that, you have SPH and VAB. You want to go into the SPH folder and find your rover's craft file. Copy it and place the copy in the VAB folder. Open Game. You can now load your rover in the VAB and easily build a rocket to deliver it anywhere in the Kerbol system.
  18. Action groups are quite useful... You can assign different parts or engines to be operated by hotkeys (default:1-9)... thus you can switch between engines, deploy solar pannels (power will be new for you too... don't leave home without it), and even set up an abort sequence if you so desire. You can set these up by clicking on the Action Group button in the VAB (top). Your parts list will change into the action group setup. When you are done, you can return to normal construction by clicking on the parts button (next to the action group button). Good luck!
  19. Before the Kraken struck. Oh well, good to be back! On a side note, has anybody noticed the odd pricing of parts? I was trying to challenge myself in a campaign style play, when I noticed that it is far cheaper to buy 4 of the small (one with ridges on the side) fuel tanks than one big orange one. I think, if anything, that should be reversed....
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