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Everything posted by hermes47

  1. This is a known issue that unfortunately was unable to be fixed during testing. It seems like it may be a Unity based issue. I'll link this topic to the relevant bug report.
  2. If you want 64-bit, there's always Linux. That has a stable 64-bit version. OSX and Windows don't yet.
  3. From what Mu said it's just optimisations in the loops and scripts that KSP runs. Nothing has been changed in the physics or graphics as they're unity controlled.
  4. Best one for me so far is EVA report on Eeloo. "You lay down and give the planet a hug, just so it knows it's not alone out here."
  5. These two links are pretty much it: Part one: http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/457429497 Part two: http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/457440815 Ignore the titles. I guess Maxmaps forgot to change it.
  6. The exact poles will be at the point where your nav ball goes really crazy, at a guess. This is because at the poles every direction is either north or south, depending on the pole. Best bet is probably to land a rover close and drive round a bit. As for getting to Eve, try out this tool. Just put in your origin, destination and current universe time (shown in the tracking station) and it'll spurt out the time you need to burn and what direction to burn in. Once you get close to the time to burn, it's probably best to set up a manoeuvre node and play around with it until you get a nice Eve intercept.
  7. I landed on all the moons of Jool in a 3 launch, 1 trip mission, for the demo parts challenge. Album is here
  8. Finally completed it. A three launch, 5 Joolian moon mission. Full album of images (151) can be found here. I'll finish writing the descriptions at some point. A run down of what I did is: Jeb flew the Tylo, a dedicated Tylo lander launch of 377 parts and 480.21 tons, out to Jool and into Tylo orbit. Bill flew the Laythe, a combined Laythe lander and 3-man return vessel of 366 parts and 447.91 tons, out to Jool and into Laythe orbit. Bob flew the Kea, a vessel carrying landers for Vall, Bop and Pol and a depreciated 1-man return ship consisting of 337 parts and 349.49 tons, out to Jool and into Vall Orbit. All up, 1080 parts weighing 1277.61 tons were launched (and 7 parts weighing 2.85 tons returned safely to Kerbin) Jeb landed on Tylo (took like 20 tries. Pictures in the album are from a number of different attempts) then flew out to rendezvous with Bill around Laythe. He then took the Laythe lander and landed on Laythe (again pictures are from multiple attempts) and returned to Bill in the Homebound which proceeded to met up with Bob around Vall. Jeb then took a lander down to Vall, another out to Bop and back, and the final one out to Pol and back to the Homebound. Once all were aboard Homebound, a course was set for Kerbin and everyone returned home safe after a total mission time of 640 days 9 hours. Which was about 12 hours real time, not including the design of rockets.
  9. So, I've landed Jeb on and reorbited, in order, Tylo, Laythe Vall and Bop. Currently, I'm orbiting Vall (my base camp) waiting for a launch window to Pol to open up. Took 3 launches: a dedicated Tylo launch, a Laythe launch with my 3 man return vessel and a Val Bop and Pol launch with what was my one man return vessel but turned into rescue craft (I had to use it's fuel) due to an unfortunate encounter with Vall on the original approach to Jool. Didn't manage to get video. I tried it a little but for some reason, sound wasn't being recorded and it did just look rather bad, so screenshots it is. Bit of a sneak peek: here are my Laythe and Tylo landing sites.
  10. I've got my multi Jool moon trip ready to go. The ship (containing three landers and a return stage), with judicious use of the Launch Window Planer and the Aerobraking Calculator (brilliant tools), is capable to getting out to Jool, and the landers doing their assigned jobs. At only 337 parts, I'm kinda considering adding to it to get a landing on all the moons. Or maybe launching a second ship with the other two landers (Laythe and Tylo). Over the weekend, I'm probably gonna make a video (or several) of my attempt. Things are looking good though.
  11. I've got a ship design (300 parts) that should, in theory, manage to get me out to Jool, land on Bop, Pol and Val and back to Kerbin, probably with flybys of the other moons and maybe a Minmus landing on the way back. Now I just need to get the planets lined up nicely...
  12. Ah, I remember this. I went and landed on Moho back before the forum massacre. I'll go see if I can maybe scrounge up some pics. EDIT: And look, here they are. Ready to launch On our way up Burning for interplanetary space Organising Moho intercept Approaching circularisation burn point Yay! Orbit. Coming in to land Whoop! Landfall! Jeb testing out the G's. He's stuck there now. And I'm currently planning a multi Jool moon mission.
  13. In finder, select the file, press command+i and remove the .txt from the name there. It'll probably ask you if you're sure, so make sure you click the correct choice.
  14. Because it's space and science. Two of the greatest things ever.
  15. You must've clicked the transfer to steam option. Anyway, in that case, click "add a game" in steam (bottom left on my system) and copy-paste the steam code there. It should download then.
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