Finally completed it. A three launch, 5 Joolian moon mission. Full album of images (151) can be found here. I'll finish writing the descriptions at some point. A run down of what I did is: Jeb flew the Tylo, a dedicated Tylo lander launch of 377 parts and 480.21 tons, out to Jool and into Tylo orbit. Bill flew the Laythe, a combined Laythe lander and 3-man return vessel of 366 parts and 447.91 tons, out to Jool and into Laythe orbit. Bob flew the Kea, a vessel carrying landers for Vall, Bop and Pol and a depreciated 1-man return ship consisting of 337 parts and 349.49 tons, out to Jool and into Vall Orbit. All up, 1080 parts weighing 1277.61 tons were launched (and 7 parts weighing 2.85 tons returned safely to Kerbin) Jeb landed on Tylo (took like 20 tries. Pictures in the album are from a number of different attempts) then flew out to rendezvous with Bill around Laythe. He then took the Laythe lander and landed on Laythe (again pictures are from multiple attempts) and returned to Bill in the Homebound which proceeded to met up with Bob around Vall. Jeb then took a lander down to Vall, another out to Bop and back, and the final one out to Pol and back to the Homebound. Once all were aboard Homebound, a course was set for Kerbin and everyone returned home safe after a total mission time of 640 days 9 hours. Which was about 12 hours real time, not including the design of rockets.