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Everything posted by saskwach

  1. When I'm in a circular orbit below the object I want to dock with, I don't see the little orange and pink approach markers. Is this a known bug with a workaround? Am I misunderstanding things? Meeting up with my orbiting gas tank is going to be tough if I can't tell where our closest approach is. Edit: It just occurred to me to mention that my inclination is matched perfectly. The ascending and descending nodes say NaN degrees. Could that be related?
  2. I don't want a reusable launch vehicle itself, just the design. I basically want to build the equivalent of the SLS and use it to orbit kerbins, fuel tanks, space stations, etc. But if I start out with a command pod mk-1, I can't seem to replace it with a stayputnik mk-2 without rebuilding the whole rocket. Am I missing some obvious button?
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