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Everything posted by sparty48

  1. No and no, I think they just have different speed...
  2. I came in fast, with an insane idea of having wheels to land with high horiz. velocity. I spun, flipped, and hit an arch on the pod.
  3. Is a wheel required? If so, I can put it on top. EDIT: This one was a bit faster.....
  4. I would advise a newbie not to get mechjeb, I almost killed my love of the game with it, But if they choose to , I aint gonna stop you.
  5. I think the best option at this stage is just to add some female kerbal names.
  6. What if they are all female? That's a question for ya.
  7. We are arguing about a game with LITTLE GREEN MEN, who launch rockets from the ONLY BUILDINGS on the entire planet. You are looking for reality?
  8. Banned for being everywhere and nowhere.
  9. I don't think we REALLY know exactly why, we just know that it does. Bad news is a much better propellant.
  10. EDIT: And someone has yet to answer this: If Kerbals are asexual, why do we refer to individual Kerbals as "He"? Earth's Exact gravity?!?! Nah, the Saturn 5 could do interplanetary if put onto kerbin. Also, we have a purple planet and green planet. And they have monoliths and one even has a glowing green asteroid around it? Awesome. Also, on your edit, say you see a fish in the ocean you have never seen. Do you say "look at it," "look at him," or "look at her?"
  11. I will go to mars with a spaceship propelled by bad news. Give me a million dollars to do it.
  12. I WILL be the next man on the moon. (Straps self to model rocket)
  13. Remind me how decimals work again... Arn't a 0.5 caliber bullet, or a 0.5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Caliber bullet kinda... the same thing?
  14. Granted, but your awesomeness kills everyone. I wish for glados
  15. Deleted because two of us responded to the same one
  16. Granted, but the sheep all die horrible, painful deaths. I wish for a computer that can run a 1000000000000000000000 part ship, in 3d, on a movie screen.
  17. Just before the battle for Laythe, a small group of pilots realized that Spirit Wolf was doomed to fail against Hanland. They found each other one day in the hangar of the Spirit of Kerbin. They formulated plan in hushed whispers and then quietly went their separate ways. The next day a small, jury rigged scooter left the Spirit of Kerbin. Up in the bridge, a small blip showed up on the radar, but it was waved aside for an incoming transmission from Hanland… On the surface, the escaped team had located the downed, stolen Isprit. They quickly began building a small rover. One man went over to the next hill and saw a small fire with a kerbal next to it. As he walked closer he saw he wore an Isprit mask. He must be the crashed pilot! The next day, they had built a small rocket, with the ability to reach orbit. They became the “Swamp Foxes.†The scooter to come is their hit and run ship to help Spirit Wolf, HOWEVER, they are a different organization, and therefore not against raiding Spirit Wolf for supplies... Just sayin. Is this story stupid?
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