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  • About me
    Wannabe Rocket Scientist
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Space, rocketry, remote control cars/planes/helicopters, computer programming, swing & ballroom dancing, and more!

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Single Status Update

See all updates by TaranisElsu

  1. It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the impending bankruptcy of Thunder Aerospace Corporation. Too many failed launches, with the accompanying loss of Kerbal lives, have taken their toll on the company's bottom line. We will be selling our various divisions in order to pay back our creditors. Further news will be available soonTM.



    As much as it pains me to say, I have moved on to other interests and so I do not have much time to play KSP or to work on my mods. I still think KSP is a great and amazing game and recommend it to everyone that I know. Real life and a career take up too much time, so I have to prioritize the time that is left and unfortunately KSP is not as high on the list as I would like it to be.

    I would like to do a clean handoff of any mod that someone is interested in taking over -- contact me if you are interested. I am talking to people about TAC Life Support and TAC Fuel Balancer, so those may already be taken.

    I will be extremely busy, and possibly unable to respond, during the next two weeks so I apologize in advance for any slow responses.


    Have fun,

    Taranis Elsu




    Disclaimer: Please note that I am not actually selling anything, no currency of any kind will change hands. The first part of this post was just a little roleplaying.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Wardstone111


      I am also having a go at recompiling the mod if it is OK as it is my favourite life support mod of all time.

    3. dueb


      Thank you for all your investment in these awesome mods Taranis Elsu! You will be missed, be sure of that!

      My best wishes for your future endeavors!

      (PS: Forgive me my bad English if I said something wrong... :blush:)

    4. Azimech


      Sad to see you go, I've always been very impressed by your mods and have used them for years. Have fun with your future or current endeavours and hopefully we'll see you back some day!

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