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    Fission Mailed
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  1. As has been stated before, they want to fix the rocket wobble without doing what SQUAD did, which was just putting a band-aid in the UI (auto-generate struts in places the user cannot physically place them) and calling it a day. Intercept don't want to implement a similarly hacky "solution"; they're looking for actual solutions to the underlying causes.
  2. Correction: 3 years (Apparently Intercept Games had to start over from scratch after Star Theory's... whatever the hell they were doing with the contract), 1.5 of which was during a global pandemic.
  3. Update 2: This only happens when I have RCS on. Turning off RCS results in no loss of control at all when I begin the burn.
  4. I feel like this is, at least partially, a combination between a problem with how you are reading the node and a problem with the navball marker for the node. The problem with the navball marker is that it drifts as the node moves, while the actual position you want to be facing does not. To be clear, this means that you do not want your SAS set to follow the marker during the burn, as it will move incorrectly and therefore your rocket will end up not performing the manoeuvre correctly. Instead, what you want to do is: Five seconds away from the node position, set your SAS mode to Hold Position. This will ensure that you don't move away from the place where the marker should be. When you hit 0 on the countdown, begin the burn, and take into account the below information: Through testing, I have found that the burn timer is sometimes very incorrect. It seems to be off by an order of magnitude. This is a problem, but it is one that is very easy to work around, as what is not incorrect is the progress marker below the manoeuvre information. That has stayed consistently correct during my testing, and I have found that when the progress marker reaches the end, that is when I want to stop the burn. This is less precise than the countdown that is provided, but I have found that small adjustments - often small enough to be done with RCS alone - are often the key to fixing any errors it causes me.
  5. Update: So it turns out I wasn't losing control in the map view. There's just a serious issue where for some reason, pushing the engines from 0% throttle to 100% throttle results in a complete loss of control of the ship, as it begins to tilt way off course for like 10 seconds before finally being able to slow down and correct its turning. Yes, the centre of mass is in the centre of the ship.
  6. I appear to be losing control of my rocket whenever I enter map view with SAS turned on and set to hold position. SAS also appears to lose control of the rocket, as it drifts off course instead of holding like it should have. I regain control when I exit map view, only to lose it again once I re-enter. This has messed up multiple burns that I have used map mode to monitor, not realising until too late that the vehicle was uncontrollable, and I would be grateful if it was fixed soon.
  7. Too bad, I'm not at home I sign the next user up for the night shift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria
  8. You fail at summoning people. @Red Iron Crown get on here!
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