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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. He said that he didn't lost him yet
  2. Canopus

    I am back!

    They sure degraded a bit.
  3. What is the part directly under the probe core?
  4. http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv
  5. It serves them right.
  6. Yes but there where always mods on the stream.
  7. Please not you satcharna...does it really matter?
  8. But its not needed anymore in these days.
  9. the constellation mission where expected to last 2 weeks on the moon before a small station would be build. Do you want to live that long in a room like the LEM?
  10. Flying a crew out to the Moon to remote control a lander? There is no noticable delay from the earth to the Moon.
  11. have you ever noticed how small the LEM was?
  12. No that would be totally useless, because the crew couldn't land with the cargo.
  13. The Lander needed to do the insertion burn on its own so that it could also be used without the Orion MPCV for Cargo missions.
  14. The 13" still works perfect for me.
  15. This is what i imagine only a stereotypical american redneck would say. Pathetic.
  16. It can get even more Kerbal. Look up "Nuclear Saltwater Rocket"
  17. To be honest, i would really like to see Space combat game with orbital mechanics. There was even one in development on kickstarter called "Torchships". but it never reached the needed money. Here is a video:
  18. Canopus

    I am back!

    I read your name somewhere before, welcome back
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