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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. I would prefer to keep it realistic with the small magazines.
  2. I don't hate, i just don't like it as much as KSP
  3. This is really well said. Too bad that i can't give you a reputation point in this thread.
  4. There were more in chobits art Thread but here in the offtopic one was just the guy whose name should not be mentioned.
  5. Instead of locking the other one they should have just banned all the trolls.
  6. It's a little bit sad that this thing can't destroy Roche anymore. Otherwise this would be the perfect defense against killer asteroids:D Edit: Weird, the new version doesn't seem to fix the problem for me?
  7. There is a serious but also hilarious bug with the engine that has the column on top: It doesn't matter where i put the Launch clamps, the whole thing just explodes and wobbles around, defying the laws of nature.
  8. There are many places in Europe where you can get good wine.
  9. Banned for having a weird Flag as Avatar
  10. Banned for having no signature
  11. Well that and its thick atmosphere makes Eve such a challenge to take of from.
  12. When i think about now Jool is massive but still just the same size as earth.
  13. That wouldn't make you Americans very special considering that the majority of countries drive on the right.
  14. Standing on Roche and claiming it for Kerbalkind.
  15. Ike is really that small compared to the Mun?
  16. Wir habe einen eigenen Thread. Der link ist in meiner Signatur:)
  17. Just a little bit too early i think. Edit: I love the new thing in your signature:D
  18. I have no problem with it. Its just character of yours and why should this be not allowed.
  19. No he basically sais it on his DA account but does it really matter?
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