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Everything posted by Canopus

  1. Those old Orion designs doesn't had a shield. I think you have to go much faster until incoming Debris gets that dangerous that you need one.
  2. Canopus


    This is really embarrassing.
  3. Some people... I really don't know what to say:huh: As if an RTG is going to hurt anyone. The menu for the different bombs looks good
  4. These two nuclear boosters i left behind in Duna Orbit. Once resource collection is implemented they are going to be reused.
  5. Someone really complained about the content of your website?
  6. I understand ORDA but why Hyperedit? It really takes the fun out of the game.
  7. Mein neuestes Gilly Landefahrzeug: Mit genug Mono-treibstoff um für einen langen Rundflug: Nach der Landung gibt es noch genug Treibstoff für das rendesvouz mit dem Orbiter:
  8. COMMUNISM DETECTED! MUST DESTROY! Just kidding of course:D Nice Flag!
  9. There was another failed creepypasta about voices around Laythe that you could hear if you extended your antenna. Courtesy of Deadpangod:P
  10. What is it with the Tsar bomb? Its in every e second post here:huh:
  11. Not very creepy. sounds like the latest Hollywood Wannabe horror film.
  12. Make a poll. My favourite one is the 3 Kerbal Mark 1-2 command pod.
  13. Ich glaube nur der "Besitzer" des Threads kann dessen schließung verlangen. Und von dem habe ich schon lange nichts mehr gehört. Am besten ich verständige mal einen Moderator.
  14. Falscher Thread:) Klick einfach den link in meiner Signatur.
  15. Well i guess i have to read the book then. Sounds really interesting
  16. Destroy all the creepy pasta before some stupid people believe in it! I'm not kidding the same thing happened with Slender man. @musicpenguin How do you hide a nuclear explosion and its aftereffects?
  17. I think this is a very good definition of a Kerbal Pro
  18. This is about 0.20.1 and not 0.20.0 but yes the one man lander can is great
  19. I agree with you that Mechjeb shouldn't be implemented in the game but please don't call it cheating! HackGravity and infinite fuel are cheats but not Mechjeb.
  20. They needed the old MuMech plugin which isn't updated for 0.20.
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