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Everything posted by magnemoe

  1. Why is it bad form to disclose the exact questions? Had an teacher at university who used the same 7 questions on exams , just using random 3 of them. Field was electromagnetism shielding and antennas. A bit relevant as in the 1990's computers tend to run at 100 MHz or the FM sweet spot so have fun with radios next to the pc. But the 7 questions got well known and the teacher more important things to do, might even be related to stealth so he could not talk about it. Anyway poor guy died who was an obvious tragedy for him and his relatives But they got an new teacher with now questions and most failed.
  2. Ran out of power some times like that in KSP. Once on Tylo the rocket was totally destroyed but the probe rover on top was unharmed. Kept the decopler on its bottom as an trophy.
  3. Note that NASA's commercial space station would have an deal there NASA want to probably add 2-3 modules and 4 astronauts to do science, this is making it an safe investment. The operators will do the ship and hotel services. Its like renting an ship, but other actors can join, companies, nation or just tourists. Then some manages to do real manufacturing it would become an separate station. For crystals and other stuff who require no vibrations. Have an free flying module. You could have it dock to an space station to set it up, do maintenance and transfer the product to an lander.
  4. It is, but heating was not the main issue with this it was aerodynamic as in keeping the heat shields in front of the rest. This worked at Duna. On Eve heating was an issue but you could burn into an orbit there Ap was inside Eve SOI and then aerobrake into low orbit. Laythe, no it does not work KSP 2 it also don't work for large ships, it work for capsules. With an 5km/s intercept velocity shields poppe at once. This was also an KSP 2 issue, but at orbital velocites you did not need shields landing at Duna but dont expose sensitive stuff. An lander / rover in KSP 2 had the probe core on the bottom because stupid. It blew up during landing, I could still deploy parachute and used an autopilot for landing burn but could not turn on hand brake so second landing on Duna involved an car chase. Rover from fist lander slowing down the rover/lander from second mission.
  5. At Duna you can come in very hard and fast. Firebird 1 at hardbrake, entry velocity was 3.8 km/s, this is at max Q. burned 1 km/s before final adjustment of Pe, so yes was coming in very hot dropping from Minmus into LKO for injection Obviously putting couple of Km/s dv has to be paid back at entry. Over an week testing and modifying the ship for stability at 8g moving center of drag. Followed by Firebird 2, less mass and a bit slower. I say its the coolest thing I done in KSP. I also simulated some Layte injections and the result was not survivable.
  6. Now its plenty of stuff who is to remote to have cell connection but is also very low bandwidth. IoT has gotten bad press because all the idiot products. But its plenty of smart uses like an cabin, you can call it to turn on the heat before you arrive and tell you if something is wrong. Or simply street light telling then out, or next one is out.
  7. Remember walking home from the buss after an evening on the town. Night, no moon and overcast with forest so visibility was very visible. I was able to differentiate the road from ditch and saw the guard rails on other side. Kicked something soft, before cell phones but had an lighter, it was an badger roadkill. Tangent: My sister got an badger burrow in her garden, son showed the entrance. Meeting her I say: Seen you gotten an badger, congratulation. She was not that impressed and said she now had an shotgun, inherited from our father, but don't think she shot with it
  8. European hedgehog pigs are not very sharp, think duller toothpicks, its like petting an broom, just weird . porcupines looks way more dangerous.
  9. The US made an nuclear artillery shell for the the 16" guns of the Iowa battleships. Before program was finished all the Iowas was mothballed. The 16" nuclear shell was retired before the Iowas was reactivated for the Vietnam war.
  10. Delta clipper main mistake was SSTO, it does not work, yes theoretical but not economical with chemical rocket engines. More looking at current designs. How many decades did we loose? Take something like Superheavy or new Glen first stage but RP1, then using Stoke's hydrogen powered and cooled upper stage. And this is why we are canceling the Apollo program. 30-50 ton to LEO with rapid reuse of both stages on first version. Yes computers was very primitive back then. But pretty accurate ICBM was an thing and you get back control outside of the plasma window.
  11. Only been their once so the buss trip watching the pads and the Saturn 5 facility was an obvious one also as its timed. It was an alligator in the SpaceX pads retention pool. We only got the 39 pads as in 2 and the upper one still had the shuttle setup, this was back before covid. Its an longer trip showing more pads like ULA and Blue Origins ones.
  12. This the tossed bone became an spear, then thrown by an spear thrower, an arrow, crossbow bolt then cannons in medieval times, artillery in the 1850s then the V2 followed by orbital rockets. At this stage I say heavy rockets in 2040 will be fully reusable unless launching something very heavy or very hard, I say this is questionable with some starship configurations. Tech bros I agree here http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff3000/fc02997.htm
  13. Assume they are also very tiring to use, worse than space suits. All the seals has to be very water proof. In space you are dealing with 0.25 bar. Rigid space suits has been investigated works a lot like the atmospheric diving suits but is much lighter because of this but they are worse than existing in mobility Makes me wonder is mechanical counter pressure only at the joints could work, use solid or inelastic materials other places, think of an suit of armor. this let you adjust the length of limbs to fit the user. Mechanical counter pressure all over however makes punctures much less of an problem.
  14. Think this was the idea for the oil platform idea, they was later sold off.
  15. I assume using an gas generator like they do on submarines ballistic missiles and some ICBM but an longer launch tube/ barrel. This is basically an solid fuel rocket, probably also generating steam who push the rocket out the tube so it ignites some height up. Needed on submarines as they want to fire while underwater and not damaging the submarine, for ICBM its so you can reuse the launch tube. For orbital rockets just add some small SRB I say. Now it has been many ideas using an rocket sled on rails or an coil gun to get up to some velocity before releasing the rocket. http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff900/fv00877.htm Here in Freefall. Recommend reading a bit backward then forward from launch for some humor. Downside is that this would be very expensive to build so only relevant if you launch large spaceships many times a day.
  16. Yes, basements are rarely water thigh. Idea is tempting, but for normal houses an flood would make the house float up or basement floor will break unless you build it of reinforced concrete who they do on city blocks who tend to be concrete anyway.
  17. Makes me wonder if they could eject the hot stage ring before boost back burn? Anyway, its not an stage, its an stainless steel tube. It might have the electrical decouplers for separating upper stage but nothing much more outside an data buss perhaps. Note that pouting international water is illegal by treaty but its deals with larger fishes than rocket stages.
  18. This was that the starship engine in KSP 2 was based on. RIP Also something who would require orbital shipyards.
  19. Yes, you would also use medium or higher orbits I assume, starlink fly low to increase bandwidth and reduce latency, none is is not much of an factor on the moon, this reduces the number of satellites needed to a 4-5. At mars I see that directly controlling rovers from an surface base could be relevant but latency is still not critical as they would be slow.
  20. You come in an starship, Its probably easier to work in orbit using asteroids and water is so common in the outer solar system. Its like mars, in the short time, an science base makes sense.
  21. I assume this is elf style immortality, you simply do not age past an age. You can still die, now then you get old you also get an good immune system so you have an less risk of diseases but its always an major risk. Also other factor like famine, disease, accidents and violence including wars even if staying young includes cleaning out the system of lead in your blood an soot in your lungs living in an house with an open fireplace and cancer rate stays as an 30 years old. You will still die, if wealthy and careful you might live for some hundreds years. But the past was dangerous and medical care was very primitive. Lots of infections simply kill you. Read somewhere that today if you did not age and was immune to diseases and cancer your average living age would be around 1000 years. Now if living very long is on the table I assume at least the wealthy would want focus more on effective medicine, the entire thing was a mess until the late 19th century. They could get the basic right in the bronze age if lucky. washing hands, boiling tools and use wine later booze to sterilize the area. But assume this did not happen but medicine progressed faster. I don't think much changes except faster population growth, women do not stop having babies helps a lot here. More famines probably but also an rapider development of technology as people live longer and get more experience. excrements hit the fan then you get to the around 1880 medicine level, an population boom much stronger than today. Pray that they can make fertilizers in bulk at this time.
  22. I say going for something like an pulls jet perhaps the U tube rather than the V1 closing panels would be the best bet. Also have wings for flying and use the jet as fighters use afterburners, questionable for takeoff unless you store air? Else its used for intercepts there they grab or do damage in an flyby attack against larger enemies, as you already have something burning an fire attack like an dragon might also work well but you probably want to eject it more like an peeing with an flame thrower than breathing fire flying fast as you will fly trough your own fireball.
  23. Probably not as risky as it sounds, if they have any issues they miss it, yes they can get issues in the final burn but at works they destroy some of the superstructure with equipment who they can repair before next attempt. Look at the walkways on them, they are not containers but multi story structures.
  24. Now its an very interesting find, Homo naledi is also interesting and appear late for the small brain and I say just pulling the bodies deep inside an cave is an kind of burring. And since they went extinct around 250.000 years ago its no danger they share the fate of mermaids
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