I feel a little let down by the community managers. 1) The Streams per se didn't start the DLC affairs. 2) There are 3, I repeat, 3 new dev blogs 3) The stram doesn't need to be 2 hours long. A 10 minute Stream would be fine. just the community feels listend to. 4) If the community managers are too busy, maybe squad should get a 3rd community manager, just for the streams + video promotion? Resume: Don't look back in anger START OVER EDIT: Stuff to talk about: - New game database (what changed, why the overhaul,..) - flag planting (talk about what Harv wrote in his blog, + show some live stuff) - get clara in stream (to welcome her, ask her how she likes do be dev, what she is doing, + telling her that er IVA's look great) - wheels ( show the pics, tell us more,...) - answer some questions (what is possibly going to be in 0.20, how much of mining is still comming,...) - there is SO MUCH STUFF to show EDIT II: I DISAGREE. KSP started as a community. It grew with the community. It should stay with the community. Plus: New players from steam are joining the community -> forum servers get high loads