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Everything posted by tomf

  1. If you look in the mod folder and then in parts you should see all the parts in the mod listed. you can just delete the ones you don't want
  2. There is a bug that might also be affecting your docking ports where they think they are already docked to something. Thios thread has the details of how might be able to fix that issue. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78863-FIX-Dock-Undocking-Bug-in-0-23-5
  3. Find the cfg file for the recycler you want to edit e.g. yourKspDir/GameData/TacLifeSupportRecyclers/Recycler_CarbonExtractor.cfg. Towards the bottom you will find the the list of imput resources, CarbonDioxide and ElectricCharge in this case. You can edit the numbers to change the rate at which resources are used.
  4. If you are using staged launch vessels and not expecting to recover the lower stages then it is going to be cheaper to do multiple launches as the cost of larger lower stage engines goes up a lot faster than their thrust. I guess if everything is recovered for a large part of its launch cost then you are going to save yourself considerable headache trying to launch two smaller SSTOs rather than build one huge one.
  5. No, the Kerbin surface thing is hard coded, the idea is that if they are in a breathable atmospher they can just open the door to replenish the oxygen in the capsule without having ot use up their resources.
  6. I am confused by the values used for science experiments Let us say I want the maximum value of my experiment when run on the surface of the mun (4* multiplier) to be 120 I want the value of a single experiment to be 60 when transmitted, 70 when processed by a mobile lab 85 when recovered on Kerbin The value I have to adjust are from the ScieceConfig baseValue ScienceCap When creating my ScienceData I can set dataAmont, transmitBoost and labValue. Can anyone tell me what values I should use as I dont seem to be getting it right?
  7. You need the intakes and filters the stored supplies of Oxygen on the craft. Also the Oxygen on Laythe isn't usable without air intakes and filters to purify it.
  8. Thanks that looks great I also found this thread that helps http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/93332
  9. If you aren't averse to mods you could look at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54370-Radially-Attached-Experimental-Data-Storage-Container It is a part that just functions as a container for science results.
  10. Is there a simple way outside of KSP (e.g. in a spreadsheet or something) to reproduce the interpolation that KSP does for solar panels, jet engine thrust etc. I want to use a similar function to calculate the science returns of an experiment but I would like to be able to look and balance at the output without having to load the game and perform the experiment multiple times.
  11. It looks like I must have done something wrong before because onPartDie does seem to be being triggered now.
  12. I want my mod to be notified of all crashes with celestial bodies that happen in the game. I need to know the mass of the crashing vessel and it's velocity as well as the celestial it is crashing in too. I can register to receive OnCrash game events but the data with that only gives a string representation of the name of the part that has crashed. I have tried onPartDie but that doesn't seem to be being triggered properly. OnPartExplode also doesn't provide the data I need. Can anyone tell me how I can get the required event information?
  13. To get the maneuver nodes for a vessel you want vessel.patchedConicSolver.maneuverNodes. Then you are going to want to get the time of the node and use ManeuverNode.patch.getPositionAtUT() to find the position of the node. I'm pretty sure that it isn't possible to affect the orientation of a craft on rails.
  14. I am assuming you are using stock aerodynamics. My first thoughts looking at the screenshots of your booster are that it could be made much more efficient. Just looking at the TWRs launching with 3 is pretty excessive. You should either reduce the number of SRBs firing or throttle them lower. After teh first stage it then drops to low at 1.2 and 1.1. You want to keep it at around 2 for the first 2500m/s or so of delta v. Unless you have them for aestheitic reasons you could use the nosecones to reduce weight, they dont serve any purpose. Also do you really need all of that RCS fuel? with some practice at docking you might be able to reduce that considerably.
  15. I normally put reaction wheels on my rovers. When braking, accelerating and steering you can apply teh counteracting force with the reaction wheels to keep the rover level.
  16. It looks like creamatoria are fairly regularly damaged by exploding pacemakers. They are supposed to check for them before hand. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1279940/
  17. Starting mid career is fine. I would make sure you don't have any interplanatary missions actively going on as they might find they are a long way from Kerbin with only 3 days of supplies. Get ready to send out supply ships to long term space stations. Anything that you can't dock a supply carrying module to is going to be a pain to keep supplied too so either evacuate the kerbals or end the mission. Keeping ground based stations that weren't specifically designed for wheeled docking supplied is also problematic.
  18. Even dehydrated food contains a lot of hydrogen in carbohydrates which combines with breathed oxygen to make water.
  19. Mass is conserved by the default configuration. Have you taken the different densities into account?
  20. Kerbal alarm clock creates backup saves whenever you use it to switch crafts. As I almost exclusively use it to switch if I encounter any of the wierder bugs I always have a recent save I can go back to.
  21. A proper torch ship (continuous burns) requires an etremely high ISP. It is still going to several hours to make the trip, which means your engine is going to burn for several hours, which means a huge amount of fuel. It is probably possible to build an Ion engine powered craft that would burn for long enough.
  22. I haven't tested it myself but I think I remember reading somewhere here that thrusting out of a component was fine, it is just thrusting into a component that gives problems. Which is a sensible collision optimization for the engine most of the time.
  23. There is a balloons mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53961-0-23-5-HL-Mods-on-Curse I haven't used it though.
  24. Kerbals don't need electicity abovea a pressure on Kerbin of 0.5atm as it is assumed they can just open a window. Between 0.5 and 0.2 it is assumed the pod can compress the air outside to be breathable at the cost of some electriity usage. This is written as specific exceptions in the code so I am afraid it isn't possible to have a kerbin base not require food without changing the code. I think the best you can do is to create a part that magically generates food and water and just not use it anywhere else. Even mining camps get supermarket deliveries right?
  25. To change the EVA electicity you will need to adjust the eva electivity rate. A kerbal is given enough to last eactly 1 day so to force that to be 100 the eva rate should be set to 0.00463 (100/(6*60*60)). For crewed ships the electicity consumption rate is BaseElectricityConsumptionRate * totalCapacity + ElectricityConsumptionRate * number of kerbals.
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