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Posts posted by Tallinu

  1. Tallinu the docking port is in Utility and it looks like a ring with a smaller ring in side the name of it is THSS-3D and as for the hud/splittler the way i over cam that was to change the back/front to top/bottom and top/bottom to back/front in the part cfg and it worked so just do that and your set

    I tried switching top and bottom with both back/front and left/right, neither way worked. I still couldn't connect the round sides of the THSS-033-H to existing parts of the rocket, only the triangular sides.

  2. I've definitely had some issues with MechJeb 2 and planetary transfers. It usually gets you 'close enough' but a lot of the time it seems like it doesn't calculate quite enough dV to burn, so I have to manually burn a bit extra in order to be close enough for the SoI change. Also, once I did this, I used the rendezvous planner to match planes, and instead of doing the maneuver at the very next AN, it scheduled the maneuver at the DN which was past the SoI change anyway (the orbits matched closely enough so I was still able to be caught by Duna.)

    Try the 'fine tune closest approach' option in the maneuver planner. And note that the options for plane-matching currently don't include a "next AN *OR* DN", so you have to choose the correct one to make it happen at the right spot.

  3. So Mr. Duck, here go the record of the Return from Mun error.

    I reported this earlier. The weird node placement and messed-up resulting orbit predictions if you click "Go" at certain points around the orbit have apparently been fixed in the current dev build. For the other problem, set the desired altitude higher than 100 and play with the value untli the resulting periapsis is where you want it (or manually edit the maneuver node it creates).

    @The_Duck : the debris I left to fall into EVE (wanted to see teh pretteh flames :P ) crashed onto the ground, but was "marked" as like it still exists, so I couldnt leave to VAB, nor switch vessels (still in atmosphere)...So my whole voyage was for nothing...also, do I really need to launch into 270 heading for inner transfers?

    If by "inner transfer", you mean going to Eve or Moho, no. You just have to leave Kerbin traveling retrograde to Kerbin's orbital path. You should still launch onto a heading of 90 degrees for a prograde orbit around Kerbin.

    If you're looking at the map with the sun positioned behind Kerbin, you perform your burn to escape Kerbin orbit somewhere on the right side of your orbit around Kerbin, so that your escape path goes off to the left (the opposite of the way you go to travel to the outer planets). The same thing applies for going from a moon back to its planet (Mun > Kerbin, Minmus > Kerbin, etc).

  4. I absolutely LOVE the image with the trailing blue rocket exhaust when your just heading out into space. One internet for you :) Its a really nice design and I applaud you sir :)

    Seconded. The effects are really well done. I prefer the GIFs which are almost movie-like to the ones that just wobble back and forth slightly, in that case it might as well just be a still shot. The first one is perfect. On the other hand, the third one would have been great if the camera was holding still instead of bouncing left and right - it would be like flying forever. :)

  5. They are not shown for ... no particular reason because I am a derp. The docking ports are very new and still fairly experimental. There's also a decoupler so we have that!

    I downloaded it just after posting, and couldn't find the docking ports - were they included? If so, what category?

    I did find the decouplers, those should be quite handy!

    Also, I was just now trying to build something using the THSS-033-H 6-way connector piece, and realized that the choice of "top" and "bottom" nodes makes it impossible to use it the way I wanted to - as four THSS arms extending out to all sides from a central round rocket, so that the narrow parts of all of the struts face the same direction (up, in this case, with surface-mounted engines on the bottom).

    Would it be possible to provide a second version of the part, rotated 90 degrees with the top and bottom attachment nodes reassigned to the round connectors, to make this possible? I'm not sure if this can be done just with a part.cfg edit...

  6. No. It will have the AR202 and a new pod, probably nothing else for now.

    I'll post a separate download with all the old parts converted for 2.0 for compatibility reasons, though.

    The other radial part, the "brain" in the rounded case, was always my favorite by far... Would you consider eventually shipping that along with the AR202 and this new pod (once more important issues have been dealt with, of course)?

  7. Here, let's get this ball rolling with a utilitarian but elegant design that some might find very useful... an asparagus-staged super-heavy launch vehicle.

    The "Asterisk" is capable of lifting 164 tons to 300km or higher (MechJeb 2.0.7 can get it to 400km easily, if desired), with fuel left to deorbit the final launch stage or even perform some rendezvous first, depending on how efficient the flight path is.

    It comes in two forms: The first carries a cargo of four Jumbo-64 tanks equipped with independent disposable tugs which can dock them separately and even deorbit them when empty. The second is a Payloader-friendly craft file, ready to receive whatever ship or cargo you need launched.



    It's a high part-count vehicle unfortunately, mainly due to the number of struts required to keep the craft controllable and prevent connections from breaking under the strain. The Payloader version is effectively 543 parts (or 531 if you want/need to remove nosecones), of which 400 are struts, and the fuel tanker version is 724 total, using 450 struts.

    But the silver lining is that the booster stages are expended fairly quickly during the first couple minutes of flight, so the part count rapidly goes down! And with careful use of SAS it's not difficult to get it into orbit manually.

    A few more pictures

    Download and full details on Spaceport

  8. Better avionics package is a great idea, but something as thin as the inline one can wobble a lot, or crush easily unless the strength is set higher than usual... What do you think of a radially mounted avionics package? By way of possible inspiration: http://i.imgur.com/hHRu4tO.jpg (That's back to back avionics nosecones attached via cubic octagonal struts and part clipping. With a MechJeb radial brainbox behind them.)

  9. Not to mention that you can stick a probe core on the middle node of some of the larger KW fairing bases. If that's the root command pod, wobble tends to be less of an issue.

    I pretty much stopped using NovaPunch in favor of KW after I tweaked KW's heavy struts to have the same mass as stock struts just like NP's do. The only things I ever really used from NP were the struts, the long radial decouplers, and the 5 meter parts, and after a while I found that I could do everything I wanted to do using KW parts, so I took the opportunity to reduce the game's memory footprint and load time by dropping NP.

    I think KW's parts are much more polished, both graphically and functionally. Some of NP's looked a bit crude by comparison. No shame on the people who made them, of course - resources, skills, time, and effort involved are different for everyone. It's just that KW's a tough act to follow! :)

  10. r4m0n:

    I had a Hohhman tranfer the on the 18/04th which would have involved my Kerbalnauts having to canibilze each other to survive - is there any way you could get Mechjeb to determine that anything longer than 24 hours is a bit rediculous and make alternate plans.

    I'm not sure how you expect that to work. If you're doing a transfer to Jool, for example, you'd better expect your time of flight to be measured in months, not hours. Maybe you could provide information about the exact circumstances of this transfer?

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