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  1. TriggerAu's post in Prioritized Vessel Naming was marked as the answer   
    If you mean the one in 1.4 stock then this should explain it (I Hope)
  2. TriggerAu's post in Better answers for Windows support questions? was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for the heads up Gordon. Just been reading this and double-checking the how to doc for the above as well with @technicalfool and we do need to update the DEP part of that for sure.
    In response to your notes there:
    DEP - the options there are two in the how to's copy the contents to a non-system folder or disable DEP for KSP - we'll edit that out UAC - We dont advise turning that off (as far as I can find) or advise changing the perms our advice is a copy in a non-system folder Program Files - as above Windows 10 - is all good - we both develop and text on that as one of our OS'es The DEP one is edited out now and if we find others then happy to help fix em up for sure. Thanks for the questions
  3. TriggerAu's post in Right-side shift no longer works with mouse wheel for zoom in VAB was marked as the answer   
    Apologies here - that one would be my fault. I exposed the keybinding so its configurable, but only set a primary as Left-Shift. Missed the fact that right-shift was caught and wouldnt clash with the modifier on linux - my bad.
    You can bind right-shift as a secondary for that in the keybindings, and I'll put it back in the defaults for the future release.
    Sorry again
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