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Everything posted by Yuming

  1. I would love to get this, but I can't get in to the beta testing. Oh well, I can just get it when it releases. It looks like so much fun!
  2. Our cells die and copy themselves naturally. In terms of cells, we are not the same as we were 10 years ago, because almost all of our cells have divided and the originals have died off, yet we retain our memories, knowledge, ect. Is it really so different having a machine do it?
  3. Is this updated for .20 yet? If not, is the previous version compatible?
  4. You should all check out Hillstache. He has over 100 very well made Ksp videos, uploads pretty much daily, and is the reason I know how do do half the stuff I can in KSP.
  5. I have trees, it's a scatter setting somewhere that I have turned to max.
  6. No, the United States is a republic. If the U.S got past the impossible havoc of getting everyone to vote on everything,(as in a true democracy) they may be better off, because then the authority that the senators and others have would be delegated to minds that care less about party and reelection.
  7. I hope China goes democratic long before 2045...
  8. Camouflage flags for all my secretive needs. Kerbin Mun Minmus 于明八 flag development company is not responsible for any secret locations found in map view.
  9. With my limited graphic design skills, I managed to scrap together this
  10. I have landed unmanned rovers and landers on Eve and Duna, and I currently have my first manned Duna mission waiting for a launch window. Wish me luck!
  11. I was starting up ksp when my computer started to stutter. I had never experienced this issue before, so I force quit ksp while at the squad monkey loading screen. I tried reopening it, but it kept closing, leading me to believe that my copy is corrupted. How is this possible? Can I prevent it from happening again? I'm sorry if this is a little informal of a bug report, but the issue has been resolved, I just want to know if you people out there have had anything similar to this, or if it is preventable. Thanks!
  12. You can EVA two, but you can only control a manned pod if there is at least one kerbal in it, so you can not switch back to the cockpit unless it has a probe body or kerbal in it.
  13. I believe it is the small airstrip on the island across the water from ksc.
  14. I've been to the mun, minmus, and sent one way landers and rovers to Eve and Duna. I figure my next step is to make a manned, round trip expedition to Duna. I've tested a lander on Kerbin that can make a parachuted decent, land, take off, achieve orbit, and escape kerbins sphere of influence, and since Duna's atmosphere is thinner, I believe it will have no trouble coming home. The problem is, my existing launcher and interplanetary stage designed for small rovers just won't cut it with the extra weight. If you guys could give me tips and examples of good round trip Duna mission vehicles, I would greatly appreciate it.
  15. Unfortunately, this challenge is pointless due to a rather nasty bug known as infiniglide, which lets you glide literally forever with the right craft with enough control surfaces.
  16. Can you put the info in the table for a 100 kilometer orbit? That orbit is also very common and I'm too lazy to do the math right now.
  17. It's hard to get encounters with planets when you first try, but maintain this key mindset: instead of traveling to them like you would Kerbin to the mun, practice traveling from the mun to minmus. Then look at this website Ksp.olex.biz to find the angles you need to go interplanetary.
  18. I prefer Duna because it's not impossible to take off from, adding the realism of being able to return or rescue crew, whether or not I actually do. Also, with the next update and mining, the business end of Eve will be its ocean, where the horrible heat/atmospheric pressure comes into play, as well as the pain of exporting it to a location for refining if you don't have a colony set up with these resources.(again, the big colony at sea level problem) Would you really want to have a colony where none of the crew can return?
  19. Are you having trouble attaching them radially? This is a known bug. Turn on part clipping if you know the part is placed in a valid position.
  20. Download subassembly saver/loader on the spaceport. It will solve a lot of your vab problems.
  21. I can't wait to see the graphs the mods put out every so often an see how big of a spike it was.
  22. You do realize this is one heck of a necro, and the person asking for information has most likely found an answer by now.
  23. Yes, I did something like this as preparation or training, but dont expect it to survive the update.
  24. My account got deleted as well. Joined in december, but other than pride, post counts and join dates dont really mean anything.
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