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Everything posted by Dragon7722

  1. This is the most inefficient way of reaching the orbit... You just don't wanna do that. You should start burning straight up to 7500+-2500km and then start your turn. Then you turn slowly and slowly towards the horizon building up more and more speed until you reach your desired apoapsis height. Then you fast foward to your apoapsis and burn there to raise the periapsis out of kerbins orbit (70km+).
  2. A short science trip to Duna: -A wallpaper-worthy shot if you ask me : -Some aerobreaking: -Sandstorm on Duna: -One of the most interesting landings i had to do. Ditched my landing gear and managed to land on a slope like this only with SAS keeping my craft upright on Ike.
  3. I just finished a mission to Duna. Landed on it, took off and landed again on Ike and returned home safely with about 3000 delta-v left. I've basically stacked a few small fuel tanks together, seperated them with decouplers and connected them via fuel-crossfeed to 2x nuclear engines. Keeps the TWR high and the weight low. Just as some inspiration: In orbit, still with transfer-stage attached Landed with ditched empty fuel tank
  4. As far as i know, MechJeb can possibly list everything you want via the "Custom Windows" screen, total delta-v, or delta-v per stage etc.
  5. I actually wonder why nobody mentions the docking mode for KSP. You should switch to it if you are about 100-50m away from your target and your relative velocity is about 0. It's the button in the lower left corner between the map and the staging control or you can hit the "delete"-key on your keyboard. When you are in docking mode, you can switch between rotation-movement and linear-movement by pressing space. First, you should go to rotation-mode and try to line up your docking ports parallel to each other... you spin your craft with WASD and QE (roll) while in rotation-mode. Then, you switch to linear-control by hitting space again (all in docking mode ofc) and move your non-rotating ship towards the docking port of your target. While in linear-control, use SHIFT and CTRL to move it upwards or downwards, W and S to move forward and backward, A and D to move left and right. If your angle isn't right, just switch back to rotation-control (hit space) and turn your craft around its axis so it's lined up for the "linear-approach". All these maneuvers are only done with RCS-thrusters. Also, while in linear-control, SAS is activated automatically to avoid spinning of the craft. If something is unclear, feel free to ask
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