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Everything posted by Casen

  1. Yeah, I found that eventually. .16 allows MechJeb to work. Now I just can't play anything due to RAM limits.....
  2. Nah, I found a better solution. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603 Download the newest Raster Prop Monitor .dll from the thread. It has been updated to use the latest MechJeb. It works with the 23.5 version of MechJeb available from the SpacePort.
  3. I am getting an "Autopilot software not installed" error when trying to use MechJeb on any of the RPM displays. I do have MechJeb 2.2.1 installed. I tried putting a MechJeb case on the lander with no success. I also tried adding the MechJeb module to the lander with no success. I also have the MechJebRPM.dll in the MechJeb2RPM folder. Any ideas?
  4. I have a quick question about how this works. My game data folder is currently 2.49 GB. I have the 3-1 aggressive ATM installed. When I load KSP it freezes at the beginning, usually on the first part (this is normal I know). Is this when the ATM loads/resizes all the parts? I only ask because I watch my task managers memory for KSP go from 0-2,000,000K while the game is frozen. Then, once it un freezes, and actually starts loading all the rest of the parts in, it will increase to 3.5GB at the loading screen. It seems like its loading the reduced textures and then the full size ones too... Or am I thinking about this the wrong way?
  5. Does this support the KOSMOS parts? http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/kosmos-tks-spacecraft/ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24970-0-21-Kosmos-Spacecraft-Design-Bureau-Updated-%289-27-13%29
  6. http://www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php Will this tool let my game run smoother if I have a lot of mods installed?
  7. Damnit Lack. Quit making me redesign everything I build. Seriously. Every time I look you have something newer and greater out there. Actually, on second thought. Keep it up I love this stuff.
  8. NoMrBond is correct. I also added a circular window from I believe the LLL pack to light it up a little.
  9. I know/ I just want to see how some of these panels open. I did sit down and build a test craft with one of each of the panels on it. My god these things are engineered brilliantly and much more complex than I thought. I had many many broken pieces till i figured out how each one works. I do like the truss, and I have it on the other side of the station that isn't visible from that shot, along with the habitation modules and other pieces. I also have your led "Light of God" basically everywhere. I didnt know when I put them on, but I love the fact that it lights up Kerbin during timewarp. That's just awesome, lol. But, I had just installed the Hex ones and needed to put them to use. Plus they have fuel and monopropellant, and as I am not the best designer, I tend to make up for it with extra fuel available. Also, congrats on over 100,000 downloads. Your pack really is amazing. Sweet! Now just waiting on those balka panels to be updated. Then, I can get to designing a new station.
  10. Here is my Planetary Vacation Vehicle. It was designed to take 25 lucky kerbals, along with 8 crew on extra-planetary vacation/cruises. It is mostly airtight sand safe. It even lights up! Four Kerbals even get balcony rooms to enjoy the views of whatever moon/planet they are on! It has a top speed (in a straight line) of 100M/s.... But I don't recommend it as it likes to turn a little, then fly through the air and disintegrate. Here is the landing/takeoff system for carrying the PVV in between moons/to other planets. Bonus: It can be transformed into a research base by simply changing the name!
  11. Lost in the recent update. Time to re-design a few bits, then to re launch.
  12. Were the Balka models ever updated with the research that sumghai did regarding the .cfg and model.mu edits? I really really love the look of these panels. P.S. There are Kosmos parts on the side you cannot see, but I only got one screen shot, and since the .21 update have lost the station in general. Also, can we have in editor "Ghost" animations, like on the B9 pack. When I first launched the Balka panels, I had assumed they opened a certain way and was totally wrong. I didnt find out how wrong though until 2 hours later after launching and docking to my station in orbit. When I opened the panels for the first time..... My station looked like the trailer for Gravity, lol.
  13. Really love the look of these. Helped make my dream station a reality. I didn't take enough screenshots I now realize. Here's the final stage of my launch vehicle for my extremely long Space Station sections. Then my completed space station. I should have left Bob outside to give you a sense of scale on the size of those panels. Oh, here he is.
  14. Has anyone with the kethane generator breaking the loading process found a fix? I know everything is in the right folder, and I tried 2 separate downloads and the same result both times. I have also tried uninstalling other mods to see if one of them was causing it. Here is my log output. LOG 20:08:27.057] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Kethane/Parts/kethane_generator/part/kethane_generator' [ERR 20:08:27.060] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture 'model000' as cannot find texture 'model001' to replace with [EXC 20:08:27.070] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [LOG 20:08:27.077] [kethane.generator]: Activated (forced) [LOG 20:12:40.920] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) [LOG 20:12:41.024] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) [LOG 20:12:41.125] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) [LOG 20:12:41.229] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) [LOG 20:12:41.332] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) It just repeats that last line until i close the game window. Lucikily alt-tabbing and just right-click/close works. I dont have to force quit it.
  15. LOG 20:08:27.057] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Kethane/Parts/kethane_generator/part/kethane_generator' [ERR 20:08:27.060] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture 'model000' as cannot find texture 'model001' to replace with [EXC 20:08:27.070] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object [LOG 20:08:27.077] [kethane.generator]: Activated (forced) [LOG 20:12:40.920] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) [LOG 20:12:41.024] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) [LOG 20:12:41.125] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) [LOG 20:12:41.229] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) [LOG 20:12:41.332] Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost) I get this when trying to start my game. It hangs at the kethane generator. Any thoughts?
  16. Is there an update to this? MapSat V3 is using degrees, I am assuming based off the center of the map, while Mechjeb is using longitude and latitude. If I wanted to land at a Mapsat coord of -10.8, 25.2 how would I enter that into MechJeb? Would I just load the digits as decimals into the first block as -10.8'0'0 N and 25.2'0'0 E. Or would the second pair be west?
  17. Well poop. Thank you for the help, Im now on my way to re engineering everything
  18. Hey, if anyone here know how, I have a question. I swapped out the interior of the 4x2 (or 2x4) cab with the interior of the TT modular wheels cause it looks nice, but i get clipping errors as it is set deep and low within the part. Is there a way to move where the cab is attached at inside the part? Forum post: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39834-Help-with-a-landing-craft-for-a-mobile-base-%28two-docking-ports%29?p=510400#post510400 Also, is there a place 2 extendable corridors docked together in the spaceplane hangar? Im trying to build a lander to carry my truck: that goes on the roof. I want to have the docked to the carrier to begin with, both corridors extended, fly it somewhere, the decouple and retract both corridors and drive my truck around, then again, bring the truck back underneath and re dock.
  19. Hello all. I have made a giant mobile base truck with room for like 40 kerbins.. It even has 4 balcony rooms.. Moving on, After designing the truck, I went ahead and designed a landing mechanism. The truck itself weighs 40 tons so, I decided to use two docking ports on the roof for extra strength and because they fit my design best. From there I put a long girder sticking straight up from each port and then tried to connect the two with a third girder, but could not get a "snap into place". I did, however, get a green spot with the top piece inside the other part. Cool I thought. I then put struts going back and forth from the left to the right girders, and all the horizontal bits. I made this extremely sturdy, no wobble at all except from the ports themselves, which i have anchored into the roof with even more struts. Cool, it all stays together and works. Awesome. So, I set up action groups on the docking ports themselves. I had two options "Decouple" and "Undock". I have no idea what the difference was between the two, so i put one on a different number to try them both. So, I take my new creation out to the runway to test the flight characteristics (meh) and the landing/docking abilities. It is strong enough to lift off and fly around at around half throttle, and then to land on its legs with the parachutes and whatnot. My problem is when I go to undock/decouple the truck from the lander. When I undock/decouple, every single strut that I had connecting the left side to the right side just disappears. And the girders that i though were holding it together come apart. This is a problem as I wanted to be able to re-use the lander to change moons and whatnot when i get it out to other planets. Does anybody have any advice or corrections in my building method of how to attach the docking ports? The ones on the truck I put in symmetry mode, then I placed the other ones, still in symmetry mode, docked to the ones in the truck in the space plane hangar, then I added my girder segments. Any help would be appreciated.
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