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Posts posted by sgtscuba

  1. I wouldn't spend a lot of time preparing for .24 just yet. Remember, the guys took some time off for the holidays. It's not coming soon.

    ^this, so I am just getting on with my current career, and see what I learn along the way. (yay KAS)

  2. I always leave with extreme caution. Overbuild the ship, if possible.

    Though the Mun and Minmus are basically home now I have big bases there. Just got a big, unknown backyard to explore.

    ^this, I don't have big bases on other planets (been messing around with a space station around kerbin with KAS to bring up extra stuff). But I like exploring the Mun/Minmus. I haven't landed anywhere else but I have done visits of them and flybys.

  3. Why? There's more science out there than is needed for the entire tech tree. All I would have to do to complete the tech tree is launch a rubbish telescope, and time warp for 5 years, which at 100,000x would only take me about 20 minutes or so to do, and all the challenge is gone from the game. 0.2 science per minute and 1 science per 5 minutes is the same anyway.

    Time can not be used as a commodity in KSP due to time warp, it just doesn't work. Otherwise, I'm happy with the idea of having telescopes and cool stuff to launch and have persistent in orbit. The idea of being able to run a number of experiments on planets seems cool.

    ^This, I think there is a mod out there that does it, but would be nice to become stock.

  4. Gonna be a Mun and Minmus base within Career mode, been to the Mun a fair few times, same with Minmus. Got Kethane installed so I got a semi decent reason to go, as well as for Science! Gonna have to practice my landings though as I don't want to be too spread out. Normally I don't go past Kerbin's orbit, but the last patch made me send a probe to Eve, so maybe I will use my bases for tanking fuel up to them.

  5. You can get the Canadarm in a mod, but I ended up deleting it again. The reason was that everytime I was within a few hundred meters from a ship with the Canadarm, is suddenly accelerated quite a bit, making docking impossible.

    I suppose it was because the mod wasn't updated to the latest version of the game, but again that demonstrates the work you have to do and the things you may lose with the use of mods (regarding updates).

    I used to use that too until it stopped being updated. However a stock arm (or family of different sizes) would be really useful, for both rovers and space stations.

  6. Loving seeing how you guys have built these, a lot better looking than my stuff, although I do prefer a 3 stage landing, I do it slightly different so I have a first stage to get me to orbit, then a transfer stage which I drop about 1.5km above the surface, leaving the lander with enough fuel to return on its own.

    Did you guys do this in Kareer Mode or in sandbox mode? Just wondering because the 3.25m tanks and engines from B9 don't show up for me in Kareer mode.

  7. I think if NASA did have more money, a good starting place to any interplanetary journey would be some kind of space station around Earth with the ability to support construction of craft capable of this.

    That and more investment into things like artificial intelligence, 3D printing, and extra terrestrial mining, so they could build bases on other worlds prior to landing people there.

    Maybe even printing part of the ship up there to save weight/bulk on resupply trips

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