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  1. Ah, makes sense. edit: Can I get a link to the retexture?
  2. What part did you use to get the cockpit? I tried clipping a MK 2 nosecone into it, but it was too short.
  3. I tried building a helicopter with docking washers for rotating the blades in both angle and spin, similar to yours. But when I do this, the wing pieces wobbled too much and made the craft uncontrollable. How would I go about making the helicopter blades not wobbly?
  4. I made something, kind of inspired by landers with seperate descent/ascent stages. This is like that, but instead of descent, its more of a rover stage!
  5. These retextures are really nice. I personally don't really like the default textures for the rockets, and this made them quite a lot nicer.
  6. My first ever SSTO, inspired by the design of Mesklin's Skylark It probably has enough fuel left over to get to the Mun, as it does use an LV-N atomic motor. The two side tanks are for the turbojet only, with oxidiser tweaked to 0 in the SPH. I docked it to a fuel/upgrade station with KAS, and fuelled it and added some solar panels and a battery to it. Woohoo for building in space!
  7. Edit the part file of the asteroid and assign it to a category, eg Science or Utility
  8. Woohoo! This was one of my favourite mods!
  9. Hmmm, I compared some pictures of LLL and this, and I can see some differences, I don't think it's LLL. I've now noticed this: http://imgur.com/a/Th2Yu#0 also uploaded by B9, so I'm just going to assume that it's either a B9 Aerospace update or a new mod.
  10. I was looking at bac9's imgur, and I was wondering what mod (other than b9) was featured in this album, if the mod was even released? http://imgur.com/a/jlo0h#3
  11. I think the lander was a bit large for how small the Rover is, and also my ascent stages was too small (had to use the lander fuel to get into mun capture AND landing.I landed with 1 unit of liquidfuel remaining. I feel lucky :DThe rover has flipped over once so far, when it does I can just enable the reaction wheelsedit: It also can do infinite wheelies! Yay for reaction wheels!
  12. Hello! I'm not a new user of KSP, but I haven't been on the forums that much at all (4 posts including this) And to start off, after so many failed attempts, I finally got to the mun! Just a basic lander, my next plan is to get a rover there! You can do brilliant things in KSP if you just remember this one thing: Don't Panic.
  13. So I am trying to make a model in Autodesk Inventor. Everything goes well until I try to export. I have been told to export it as a .dae file, but Inventor 2010 cannot export as .dae Can later versions like 2011 and up export as .dae or am I missing a plugin? And if so, where would I get the plugin? I google searched a lot but I could not find out how to get inventor to export .dae files.
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