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Everything posted by Laminator

  1. nope, running 0.20. All mods I use (except the Heatshields from the DE-pack, Logomatic & Graphotron) are allready released for 0.20. Heatshields I only use for optics and "realism" , Logomatic & Graphotron are installed and seem to work, but no flights with them in my save I use to test ISAMapSat.
  2. Sounds like some other problem to me. I have no real framerate trouble with MapSat, I get dropped lines in my scans when timewarping too high (no matter what settings for scanresolution), but framerate stays basically ok.
  3. yep, DR and KAS are really essential mods, hope we´ll be able to fiddle around with ´em soon
  4. 2868.723 km according to my notes. If u want long time stability in e.g. a satellite-network (RemoteTech for example) be sure to tweak the orbit time of all synced satellites to exactly(!) 6 hrs. Ohterwise you´ll get into trouble with satellites not maintaining their relative positions. Even a few seconds off will sum up to totally out of position satellites over time and you will have to repositon them quite often. Very tedious
  5. I think I have stumbled upon a bug. I don´t know if it´s allready known, so I decided to post it, even though I´m using the dev-release. While trying to get a first pass lowres map of Minmus, the scan-bar tilted everytime when going back to normal time from timewarp: Above image is a crop of the original map, the tilting can be seen very well.
  6. Thanks for these nice tanks! I like the new look better, only the resolution for the large ones is a bit on the low side . Maybe it´s possible to upres the large one? Both variants of the textures would be perfect, new design and the modified one from post #53. But anyway, great work, thx!
  7. Everything fine and dandy for me. Used Mods: Crew Manifest, KSPX_Remix, Subassembly Loader, Deadly Reentry (Heatshields only), Romfarer LazorSystem 27, FusTek CBM3+KappaPod+StationParts, Aviation Lights, TAL_Spherical_Tanks,RemoteTech+CompatibilityPack, MechJeb2, Engineer Redux, AlarmClock, Protractor, Graphotron, Logomatic Tested Mapsat at Kerbin in orbit heights between 70km and 1283km and varying coresponding inclinations. As allready said very nice results, but I have some serious performance problems with the Dev-build: i can´t use timewarp 50x anymore, no matter which resolution i use (tested 15-300 in carious different orbits). On Kerbin, only in very high orbits (1000km+) I can use 50x with approx res 150-300. RAW-data disabled off course. Maybe the new version uses some stuff that has poor performance on older cpu´s? My box is quite old, but has really nice performance in other quite demanding games (DCS-series, X-Plane, Mechwarrior online, Warthunder etc.) Specs: Intel Q6600, oc´ed to 3.1GHz, 8GB RAM, Win7-64, GTX560 Besides the drawback that I have to scan at 10x max I´m very happy with the dev-build, thx for releasing it Only problem I encountered: after alt-tabbing to another program MapSat stopped to scan, no matter if switched off or on, I could not reactivte it. Switching to the tracking station, selectig something else and reselecting the MapSat solved the issue tho.
  8. It´s the same for me. Creating .csv´s is a main feature for me, so please don´t drop it, even if it is laggy. Patience is a virtue . And anybody not interested in raw-data is not affected by it´s quirks
  9. WOW! Dev-version looks really great so far! Right now I´m fiddling around with scan-resolution and orbit altitudes to get a better understanding for future mapping missions. Really like it! Very promising results on my first tries. There is only one thing remaining for future improvements (besides the stuff you talk about in your blog off course ): an option to scale the interface while scanning would be absolutely super kerbalogantic awesome!! I mean, when I scan a planet, i´m only interested in the map that is magically appearing on my screen, not the 3d world surrounding it . So it would be great to have e.g. buttons that make the actual map-window standard, 2x and 4x it´s normal size. This way we could enjoy the maps even more Thanks, great work! And maybe you could keep scalable interface in the back of your head for rainy days;)
  10. No reason to get too busy imho! As the "List Comsats" option is the primary interface to administrate the relay-network anyway i have no problem with above mentioned issue, and so should the rest of us. The addon basically works in 0.20, so no need to panic for anybody p.s.: my post wasn´t meant as a bug-report, it was meant as a hint for people that are not able to point their dishes atm. p.p.s.: thx for this great addon, adds a quite intensive new level of things neccessary for a fully operational space program. very nice indeed!
  11. Pointing dishes in their context menu seems not to work (doesn´t save. on clicking "save & close" simply nothing is happening) But pointing them at a target in the "List Comsats"-menu works still like before!
  12. Thx for the fast response. And as said before, take a breath and play some KSP instead of just "working" for us
  13. I really love this addon. Thx once more Innsewerants for this great contribution to the KSP community! Dev-version sounds great . I´m very curious about the new stuff we soon will get our hands on, especially scan bar options. What makes this addon so great imho is the RAW-option that opens up a whole new area of "scientific work" for the interestet Kerbal scientists: Shaded map of Kerbin made with Surfer Map with hightlines, also made in Surfer 3d-map made in Voxler
  14. I have found a quick & dirty workaround concerning maps not showing up after leaving the game. 2 ways to make the maps show up ingame: 1) copy both mapfiles for the Planet you have mapped right before from the new "your_KSP-install\plugins\plugindata\ISA_MapSat" folder to the folder "your_KSP-install\plugindata\ISA_Mapsat" (the old folder used to store your maps)! As long as you have not reentered the game and are piloting the mapping craft again the Maps are in the new folder. As soon as you activate mapping again, the maps get overwritten with a blank white map. 2) a bit more complicated, but works allways: activate "create RAW-Data" in the ISA MapSat GUI ingame. Map the planet. This creates a Planetname_elevation.csv file in the new plugin datafolder. Copy the *.csv file to the "old" Plugindata\ISA_MapSat folder. Execute "Render all textures from csv data.bat". This creates the Mapfiles for all Planets you have mapped with RAW-Data on! The *.csv files don´t get overwritten like the mapfiles and they stay intact when reentering the game and activating the mapping vessel. Hope that helps at least some folk Besides this inconveniancy ISA_MapSat works great for me, no problems at all. Many thanks to the Creator of this phantastic Addon, can´t live in Kerbal Universe without it!!
  15. maybe I did not make it clear so once again (sorry, but english isn´t my native language;)): DR causes no problems with MJeb for me. FAR & MJ produces same result as opening poster described. So my conclusion is that it´s an issue with MJ & FAR in conjunction. And you are right, using DR & FAR together makes successful reenty a real challenge
  16. I use deadly Reentry and don´t have this issue. But when I use FAR I get the same result as OP. So I think it´s the combination of FAR & MJeb. On that install I operate throttle manually or limit accelleration like AmpsterMan allready proposed.
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