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Everything posted by Temeter

  1. The radar system looks amazing, I like it! Just a small suggestion: Would you consider adding a hotkey to cycle through radar contacts? Switching targets has always been too slow for fast air combat, and the radar seems to be a very good tool to solve the issue!
  2. The tone of these threads can get rather negative and sometimes toxic, that's the issue. People getting frustrated about minor issues, or maybe just enjoying to rant on a forum. It's kinda ridiculous at times, KSP is one of the games which you'd expect to have no issues, considering how much input the devs took from the community. Not that taking notes from mods won't be countered with even more negativity. This kind of toxicity is also the reason why communication with the userbase is very limited for most game developers, even independent ones. KSP also limited communication, and relies rather on stuff like the devnotes (which is still miles above average). You can't even present concepts or ideas, which is a lesson many small developers took. The resource concept that flew around a few years before the actual implementation? How could they dare not to follow an obviously completely unworkable concept by the letter! That's gonna be answered with rage that will last for years! >_> And all of that because of some whiny minorities...
  3. Every kind of fairing has it's advantages and disadvantages, just use what's best for you. No point in creating artificial drama, stock is nowhere as bad as you make it. The only really annoying thing about stock is the inconsistent behaviour around inline fairings. Otoh, proc-fairings are incredibly heavy and (in unusual constructions) sometimes break the game logic.
  4. Yep. I'm prefering it that way: Stock gives you a good amount of usefull parts for everything, and mods do everything else.
  5. So they create less drag when you place them the wrong way round? Or is that negated by the low pressure area that's created behind them (however that's called)?
  6. We have to wait for 1.1 to get all these shiny parts from porkjet. '>_>
  7. Did you check if you have some joystick/gamepad activated that might not be perfectly centered? Especially 360 Pads are never really centered and need a huge deadzone.
  8. B9 and BahamutoD's modpack already had similar parts, but it's nice to see such an engine go stock. Game had a hole between the gentle turbofan and superpowered SR-71 type engine. You mean like another... stage under your rocket?
  9. Structural pylons are ,bugged in some way or another, have been for a long time.
  10. I think that fits it pretty good. KSP will continue to develope, but it won't suddenly become a completely new tripple a quality game. Some people here just seem to go after whatever they want to dream into the game, some kind of perfect result. Hate to break it to you people, but if you think this game is less than '70% finished', then it'll never be what you are asking for.
  11. The game is basically finished. It is stable, reasonably performant, has very tight game mechanics, can entertain for hundreds of hours without the feeling of something big lacking. Career mode has some minor flaws, but KSP is already an incredibly well working game in Sandbox, posing challenges in a very natural way. If that's not a complete game, then what is? Then again, games aren't ever done. There is always something to add to it, some parts to polish. It is only expanding on the games basis though, which is 100% there.
  12. If the pilot is place in the middle between the side windows, then you should be able to have a good look around. And everything said, It's probably not supposed to be a super high end performance design tho, compared to the MK2 (which does limit your vision). Generally seems to follow the more versatile kerbal look that does look performant, but doesn't betray what it was made for originally.^^ Canopies are a real problem in KSP. This is a bit low-res, but i think still underlines my earlier point. Look at the eyes in relation of the bodies: The real astronauts have their eyes on maybe 90% of their body height. Kerbals have their eyes more on 66%, maybe even less. So if you try to make a capsule with a small canopy for kerbals, then you'll get into a situation where the window is on level of their foreheads (or the head sticks through the ceiling). The B9 mod had a similar problem, where the cockpit was more realistic, but that ment windows were so high you couldn't actually watch through them in cockpit view.
  13. The RCS fits if you turn everything according to the capsule, tho! Still, I'd probably prefer a more logical alignment of the ladder and 45 degree RCS. Luckily, KWR does have some solutions.
  14. Hey, I'm nowhere trying to invalidate your opinion. My impression is just a bit different. If you look at it from the side, the new cockpit seems to be much smoother than the old one. There are also a number of edges on the old cockpit that feel to me like it's more retro-scifi than realistic design, e.g. an X15 had no edges at all. I think the one thing that makes the new cockpit feel more 'comfortable' (which ofc doesn't fit high performance stuff) are the big and low placed windows. You really see that that thing wasn't made for humans, but kerbals (smaller and much lower eyes in comparision). Was slightly skeptical at first if it could replace the old stuff (ofc while awesome at first glance, just imagine it as part of a high performance plane), but it IMO should be able to. Looking forward to the cockpit view. As said, should be quite comfortable! edit: Yeah, also noted the tiny door. It does kinda feel like the cockpit is made for a larger than 1.25m craft. Probably makes sense if you keep in mind it's basically still a spacecraft. I'm sure porkjet, in his usual craze for tiny details, made the interior fitting the outside, so we'll get our answers with the IVA. Hope fully its there at release. editedit: Might be enterable without ladder tho!
  15. Why do you just think of learjets? The new cockpit does look more like the X15 or Blackbird (without the fuselage chines). Both had a spiky nose with a bulge, containing the cockpit, above it. Just with somewhat different proportions. Feels more like an inbetween learjet-style stuff and high performance plane to me. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_SR-71 The newer one definitly looks better and I'll happily use it. Might have a bit worse vision tho, but we've got the bubble for that (as long as you don't want to look down).
  16. Oh, that's cool! Too bad X:Rebirth itself was such a monumental disappointment as an X fan...
  17. KSP doesn't NaCl. Really, failing is part of the game and rarely too annoying. edit: Nvm, to meta.
  18. There is a lot of surface on a kerbals head. Just saying.
  19. Also happened once to me with a certain craft during the second stage ignition, as well as once during liftoff. Might be a very rare bug, I don't think I ever got it again.
  20. When I try to set the smart ass to prograde my rocket always turns into the opposite directions. That's at least during launches.
  21. If you want to make an efficient rocket, then you never use the poodle. The engine is also completely outclassed by the skipper in terms of weight efficiency. As said, thats more of a stock balancing issue. Similar the 1.25m engines are all kinda inefficient.
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