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Posts posted by TerrificToby

  1. I was musing on the idea of making my own thread for this, but personally I suggest having 0.25 be a dedicated bugfix / optimization update. We need one by this point, because every update that's added features has added bugs (even if it also mitigated others), and the general idea of KSP has changed from what it was when it started, so there are some fundamental things that need revisiting.

    For example, the parts list - I'm thinking we need to ditch the idea of multiple fixed-size fuel tanks and instead have resizable fuel tanks in a few different shapes and colors. In Career, larger sizes and tanks with better mass fractions or crash tolerances can unlock later, and be more expensive than flimsy tanks.

    We also need to address stuff like the long-standing docking bugs and NullReferenceExceptions.

    Hear Hear!

    I really think that 0.25 should be an optimisation update with no new major features.


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