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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hi, the KE-625 Mini Karbonite Engine seem to have no bottom connection node. Is that on purpose? I am also asking myself what nuclear generator to use to get the Fusion Drive running. Can someone enlight me? Cheers, codiak
  2. I´m having a problem with the OMS. If I try to circularize orbit, the thrust seems way of and the Orbiter starts to spin no matter what trim I set. What am I doing wrong?
  3. Woho! Thanks for the Link! You saved my current mission I also strongly suggest this feature to become stock!
  4. Hi, I installed the Soviet Pack but is seems that I am missing some craft files. No Proton or Klipper?
  5. Photos can be uploaded via http://www.imgur.com It may also helpful if you upload your craft file for others to test it.
  6. The Lazor Mods by Romfarer (Lazor Cocking Cam for example) can extend the loading distance. But it also makes all things more laggy...
  7. I am also having troubble with the beautifull M27 Cockpit in 0.20. I cannot see the Kerbal Pictures in the bottom right so I cant IVA nor EVA. I also cannot click on the hatch. In the Crew Manifest I see the Cockpit is manned. I tested this with just the cockpit on the launchpad. Is it just me? Maybe something went wrong while coping files from my 0.19 installation?
  8. The Kerbal seems to think EXCACLY the same
  9. So here are my shots taken by Scott Kerman while his sheduled Taxi shuttle flights to and from the mun. He loves his new cockpit view
  10. It seems your are using an old version of a romfarer plugin. Get the latest version from spaceport
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