Even though i have a high-end system, my KSP in .21 has slowed down the transmission times from building to another a lot. Any one now why does this happen?
They are going to give them a complete overhaul; so there is no point add more of those "old" parts. And now when we have Bac9 (Artoym) on the team its interesting to see what hes gonna do with them
This is in-freaking-sane! I wonder if the devs are impressed? Hint: How the devs made planets were a secret i think. Anyway, im interested where will this go, because this is a breakthrough in KSP modding. All the luck for you. ~Mac
6277? KSP grown quite a bit on the community! But i wonder how many have bought KSP and are still playing? I think its some kind of a secret in Squad waiting to be revealed.