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Everything posted by MacDuckenstein

  1. It's the MET (Mission Elapsed Time), below the timewarp.
  2. True i guess.. The user below me is against total anonymity on the internet.
  3. 334. Every part has to be bought as DLC costing realistic prices!
  4. 7.596704/10 I love your ribbons by the way!
  5. That explains why i couldn't find any of these.
  6. False. The user below me has docked atleast once.
  7. I've got a feeling that this has been asked in the past but anyway...
  8. True. The user below me doesn't come from the US Ninjad
  9. 3/10 i've seen you somewhere in the past.
  10. Skunky, you could just lock this thread before it gets out of hand.
  11. I hope the news will come soon enough or this will be the next crisis. This thread is blowing up!
  12. Please be good news, i & everyone around here loved you!
  13. That pod is amazing! I hope you would make the bigger one too in the future
  14. Banned for visiting all the planets & moons!
  15. I lost mine. Not that it had hundreds of posts or anything but it's still annoying to make a new account.
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