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Everything posted by Nixod321

  1. The basics were made in Powerpoint (great for basic geometric designs and clean sharp shapes) and the flag and poster effects were made in GIMP 2.0.
  2. Well then, out of desire to get future projects right, how can I get an accurate translation into a foreign language?
  3. Look, I'm trying my best, I don't have any Russian-speakers on hand, so don't hate me.
  4. Here we go: Feel free to use them however you want, I'm just happy to make art people like.
  5. Here's a new one, inspired by the official KSP logo: discovered in a dusty and abandoned wing of the R&D complex, a fascinated intern decided to copy this before it disintegrated:
  6. Here's some retro-styled Advertisement for Laythe Tourism:
  7. Good ol' Zvezda performing resupply with an Iskatel-IIIMc module. Sadly I can't run those amazing graphics mods and all my part mods, so copious amounts of post-processing will have to suffice...
  8. Today, I built a fully functional and easily controllable compound helicopter...on my first try! With FAR!
  9. Matt, I was wondering if you wanted some help making some textures for your Stretchytanks, I made you a prototype texture out of a KW texture (blackheart619's KW textures): And it's code: I didn't include the bump map and KW ends because you need blackheart619's textures installed to get them. I'm going to work on making my own textures, just so the KW guys don't have to get involved, I was just wondering if you were interested in the help.
  10. Can anyone provide a mirror for the latest version? My Mediafire is being troublesome, and refusing to download certain things. Thanks.
  11. It's fine. I was just there. You did great work while you could.
  12. Nice thread! Reminds me of my dead one Oh well, good luck on yours!
  13. Most important? That'd be 0.01(or similar), when the game was actually created, therefore enabling all further developments.
  14. I'm terribly sorry, real life issues have got in the way of things currently, I hope I will be able to return soon.
  15. I'll see what I can do. Please be patient though, I have several others to do currently.
  16. Thanks. I ended up going with a more ambiguous symbolic design, as I have to yet to be able to put pictures of the craft in there. (Ps is picky like that). I hope that's okay. I tried to go for a sort of "private venture" theme with the text, making it minimalistic and to the point. I put into a format that should work in the KSP forums. If it needs resizing, just give me a shout, I'll remix it so that it puts better. The flag should work too.
  17. I'll be working on some others in the queue until then, but I want to make one for Wyvern flight. let me know when you've got some more writing up.
  18. Of course it can! There's no laws against colour combinations, silly! Ps: Close (in a way) I'm from New Zealand. Edit: it might be a bit hard to make a patch without copying the one that constellation actually has, got any ideas?
  19. First in the set is posted, this one for the FRAK-1 flight.
  20. I'll have a go once the earlier requests are processed.
  21. I'll see what I can do. I'm currently working on a set of patches for team.leit, so once's that's done I'll begin work on yours. P.S. What colour scheme would you like the most?
  22. Sure, I'll have a read of the story first to get an idea of what it should be.
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