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Everything posted by Deadpangod3

  1. Whoops sorry, forgot to say what mods are allowed in the original post, but hyper edit, or anything that makes tons of debris is not allowed, though a simple laser is allowed as long as its not used a lot As for your question, it'd be enough that the icons form pretty much a full circle, when I get home from school I'll make an example,
  2. After the Kerbals discovered a dust ring around a planet orbiting Kerproxima Centaury, Jeb complained that Kerbin didn't have it's own ring, and now the Kerbals all want their own ring! But they don't have tons of dust to stick into orbit, so their going to make one outs of debris! Your mission: Design a ship to put enough debris in orbit around Kerbin to form a ring Rules: 1. The ring must be as circular as possible, 2. Regular ships or Kerbals do not count (though a ring of Kerbals would be funny) 3. It doesn't matter how you get the debris up there, as long as its debris it counts 4. The debris ring must NOT be effected by a moon, otherwise it is invalid 5. Pics are required of every debris ring (including seperation if there's multiple rings) Points: Get a small ring in a low orbit around Kerbin: 100 Get a small ring in a high orbit round Kerbin: 150 Get a large ring in a low orbit around Kerbin: 200 Get a large ring in a high orbit around Kerbin: 250 Bonus points: Debris rings: around the mun: 100 around Minmus: 125 around Kerbol: 400 around Duna: 250 around Ike: 200 Around Moho: 225 Around Eve: 300 Around gilly: 100 Around dres: 150 Around Jool: 350 Around Laythe: 250 Around vall: 200 Around tylo: 210 Around bop: 150 Around pol: 100 Around Eeloo: 400 Around everything: 5000 Double around everything: 10000 Asteroid belt: 500 Kuiper belt: 500 Points gained from moons add to the planets total Each Additional ring gets the same amount of points as the first (example: 2 rings around Eve = 600 points) BUT, they must be separated, and the separation must be easily visible in the map view (pics required) Mods like hyper edit or ones that can create tons of debris in a short amount of time isn't allowed, though a small laser would probably be allowed, as long as you don't use it very much Score: 1 Rableniver: 100
  3. Kerbin always looks ******* beautiful from orbit to me, and clouds in my opinion would ruin it though just a few clouds here and there I could live with, but if flags aren't in the next update, I might just die...
  4. I can't even GET any debris in orbit.... Without it looking intentional yeah, I'm an idiot trying to put debris in orbit intentionally...
  5. I think that's the mechjeb, I saw a thread from before the crash where people saw that...
  6. My way (Jeb GREATLY approves of this method) is put it to full throttle, hit that staging button, and let em fly. But I do find that when their about to explode if you cut the thrust (via x button) the heat will go away in just a few seconds, then you can continue at full thrust once more
  7. Jebs going to the moon with a flag soon (whenever the next update comes out )
  8. Yes they are!!!!! But I think the Kerbals need their own special flag or something... Don't you? I'm still excited as heck though, I'm not getting any sleep tonight probably
  9. O.o holy.... That is so huge.... *mind-nuke* how did you even get a section of that to orbit? It's so huge!
  10. Does an orbital missle station count? like for launching missles from orbit and blowing the zombies up?
  11. "Oh hai dere chuck Norris!!" Or, "It's so red... Wait, what's that? OH MY GOD, MARTIA-" *cut radio, then send a troll face pic to houston an hour later*
  12. I love aero spikes, aero spikes are what delivered my first rover to the mun
  13. Don't let Jeb pilot it, otherwise, goodbye ksc,
  14. Oh... But it is still a very good design, that's the smallest lander I've ever seen...
  15. O.o how... How on earth did that even get to orbit, it looks like it shouldn't even get close, let alone to the mun... In the old demo, it took me a massive rocket just to get to orbit around the mun (and yes, I was stupid and tried to land, many Jebediah Kermans were killed in the process) but I think you could put those RCS tanks on the top on the side of the command module, then stick a parachute on top, if that's the case, you sir have found the worlds smallest rocket that can get to the mun, and return them safely, I gotta try this
  16. Does anyone know if the re-entry bug with the battery bank things has been fixed? If it hasn't I need to take those off my rover
  17. Try remapping your rover controls to jikl j to turn left, L to turn right, I to go forwards, and k to go backwards, it works for me
  18. If I know what you mean, as long as they don't collide, it's a safe orbit
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