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Everything posted by soranno

  1. That`s pretty awesome Anyway, I think I`ll give this a go all the same, but I think I`ll send my new kerbal hero,the magnificent Kensby Kerman. The only kerbal so far to have flown and survived all stages of testing of one of my ships (with about a dozen crashes) and then pilot the craft on its first mission. Jeb will have to watch this one on TV in the KSC break room.
  2. What is impossible about it? It is possible to get to and return from every body listed there, and there is no requirement to make all or even multiple visits with the same ship and in the same mission. I would give this a try starting now, however Jeb is currently in a one man pod on a kracken inspired elliptical orbit around the sun, set to intercept Kerbin in another 2 years or so. I`ll make busy with other stuff until then
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