Well, I definitely have some (read: a lot) of missions that can compliment this thread well! Perhaps the most defining moment for me using the game so far was the "Munshot II" debacle. An ill fated campaign trying to follow up on my success of landing a 1 man ship on Mun with a 3 man capsule. The design proved unwieldy and top-heavy however, resulting in an unstable tip over and crash on Mun's surface. Trapping the A-Team (Bob, Jeb, and Bill) on the surface in a crash that quite ironically looked similar to the "Mun or Bust!" crash screen seen after the game intro. Oddly enough, I inadvertently jumped straight into character of a space program head I couldn't simply abandon the crew up there, so I immediately began a rescue program. The first 'in-character' plan was to get some kind of life support platform up there. The result was my first unmanned mission. A core with a lander module, designed for a one way trip and a goal of trying to get it within walking range from the crash site. This, at the time my fourth landing on Mun, proved difficult, and required several perilous surface-to-surface 'hops' to get it within walking range. Next, came the attempt to bring them home. Over a dozen different modifications to the lander that crashed there (albeit now with a core attached to keep the capsule empty for pickup) were tried, and all failed. Ultimately I was forced to just add an extra 1 man capsule to the first rocket I sent to Mun, and bring them back one by one. This was basically hours 3-7 of gameplay for me, and easily hooked me on the premise. Especially with the self-imposed limitations of "no man left behind" and "no unnecessary casualties". Anyways, getting back onto the important subject, the failures. Shortly after the 'Munshot II debacle' I discovered how to dock, and getting ambitious, launched my first space station. Naturally the next step was to design an one-way unmanned tanker so I could re-fuel the station and the future planned vessels that would be taking gas off the station. While I could get a small tanker to work just fine, the desire became to get as much gas as possible up in one go (1 X jumbo, 2 X R1 RCS usable delivery). The design (using newly discovered to me 'Asparagus-Staging') was this monster: And, well, let's just say after almost two dozen tweak and attempts, the file is currently filed in the "Rejected" cabinet! A little long winded, but hopefully the account provided some amusement!