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Everything posted by Jafiki91

  1. I didn't remember to put parachutes on my Münar lander. All that science hit the ocean at about 300m/s.
  2. After liftoff, second stage never fired...
  3. The Naming scheme I've been using is just: Class + Body designation + roman numeral My 3 classes are Genesis: Light payloads such as probes and rovers Revelations: Kerballed missions or ones with multiple probes Exodus: Large payloads, multiple crews, rovers, probes, etc. For the planets/moons I use the following names Pyrus - Moho Amethyst - Eve Terrox - in atmosphere on Kerbin Aetheris - Kerbin orbital missions Lotus - Mun Reacher - Minmus Dragoon - Duna Umbra - Dres Nimbus - Jool Cryos - Eeloo still haven't worked out names for all of the moons. Usually I just use the planet designation Also, the letter Z marks experimental/extreme missions so for example the Genesis Pyros Z IV is the 4th probe mission to the sun.
  4. Looks interesting enough. With enough work I'm sure you can turn this into something pretty nice. Keep it up.
  5. Can you explain the phonetics of each language a bit more? Is the apostrophe a glottal stop or something else?
  6. I recall seeing several attempts to create Kerbal language in the fanworks forum a while back. Its a shame they all seemed to die out due to lack of interest.
  7. In terms of early tech tree rovers, this was my solution. I called it the Tortuga program and it had several variations. It has onboard: Thermometer, 2x Goo canisters, and a Sci Jr. I used MechJeb to lock the thrust to 3% or less due to high speeds making it bounce and explode. Its not incredibly efficient, but a larger variation got me (almost) to the mountains. Now that I have jet engines, I plan on making a more efficient design. I don't know much about the kethane mod, but im sure it could be implemented with this somehow.
  8. I use a specific name for the body I'm going to that usually has something to do with that body, plus the number of the mission. So for example, in the Kerbin system, orbital missions are Aetheris (because they're in the sky), atmosphere missions are Terrox (low to the ground), Münar missions are Lotus, because its white and it just sounds cool. and Minmus is Reacher, because its farther away.
  9. I haven't worked out naming conventions for some of the moons, but here's what I have so far. 3 main lifter types Genesis Class - light payloads and Kerbin system missions Revelations Class - Medium Payloads and Eve, Duna, Dres missions Exodus Class - Heavy payloads and Moho, Jool, Eeloo missions All 3 can have slight variations of course Genesis I, II, III etc As for actual missions I just came up with names that struck my fancy and add a number for which mission it is Moho - Pyros (Kerbol is the Pyros Z mission. Z is for experimental attempts at getting where no Kerbal thought to go before) Eve - Amethyst Kerbin (Orbital) - Aetheris Kerbin (Atmospheric) - Terrox Mün - Lotus Minmus - Reacher Duna - Dragoon Dres - Umbra Jool - Nimbus Eeloo - Cryos Some are more creative than others, and as time goes on I'll add various moons in, or some adaptation of existing names.
  10. So, I've been doing some editing of part files for the sake of spicing up my own game (mostly changing thrust, fuel, and sizes) I've tried looking for an in depth tutorial on all the parts of the cfg files, but the best I can find is the wiki page, which seems to be out of date now that .19 is here. So I was wondering if anyone out there could explain all the values and parameters that can be in a part file (I know that's a heavy request.) For instance, what is ignitionThreshold? and why is it that some parts list breakingForce, but others do not? Are they unbreakable?
  11. Now, im not really good at modding. All I can do it edit some of the part files. But what I envision with this, and since this is ksp and not real life, is a giant parachute animation. Its packed away, then deployed in orbit and then the A-bombs start firing at it. Or are all fired as a separate stage, though i dont know how you would do that. Not sure if that helps with anything, but those are my two cents. Happy modding.
  12. You can edit parts. I'm constantly tinkering around with re-sizing, and changing the values of various engine specs.
  13. Tell me about it! Getting them lined up without both having RCS is such a nuisance. I crashed then together like six times before getting it remotely right.
  14. The only real convention I have is for the type of mission, which is based off of cloud types Cirrus - Unmanned Probes (orbiters, landers, and rovers) Nimbus - Manned missions to other planets and their moons Stratus - Manned missions around Kerbin and its Moons I haven't done flights to all the planets but they mostly are just whatever name I think of. So my ion probe to Jool, with its octagonal structure and many solar panels is called the Cirrus Lotus. And Eve was the Cirrus Orchid. For Mün and Minmus I used Serenity and Tranquility. And for the Joolian moons I started with a biblical theme but cant think of any others besides Revelation (Laythe), Genesis (Vall), and Exodus (Tylo). So i guess Bop and Pol will go unexplored until i think of something. Suggestions are welcome.
  15. So, this may be a stupid question, but I can't seem to find an answer to it anywhere. How many different Kerbal names are there in the game? They can't be randomly generated because different players end up getting a lot of the same Kerbals (everyone has seen Jeb, Bob, and Bill) Is there a file that contains all of the Kerbal names somewhere?
  16. This is one of the better missions I have seen on here. Bravo my good sir.
  17. Thanks for the help guys. Much appreciated.
  18. Couldn't find an answer to this anywhere, I was building a rocket in the VAB and the little mechjeb window was in the way of me seeing things properly, so i closed the window. However, now I have no clue how to bring it back up. Does anyone know how to do this?
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