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Everything posted by Goosexi

  1. Kerbal Space Station... Long Hab? -
  2. Ion Station Alpha Service Modules! -
  3. After my Mun bases and Minmus bases I have finally decided that a duna Base is needed! Tell me What you think! I might send this to Eve next but not too sure! Heres a video of me putting it together!
  4. Well for those of you that tune in I have finally hit my 100th episode on youtube! WOOT! Well If you havent looked come check me out at....
  5. 100th Episode! - Duna Extraviganza! -
  6. Adding Engines to the Duna Mega Ship -
  7. Mega Ship Construction - Episode 2 -
  8. launching the first fuel tank! -
  9. My mission to get a ground Base to duna! -
  10. Hey guys! I have a Youtube channel with over 300 episodes dedicated to KSP doing things from Tutorials to space stations to mun bases and even mega ships and... I cant forget modded gameplay! I would appreciate it if you dropped by and checked out some of my stuff! I do videos regularly so there's always some new content out! Check the last page for my latest episode. I do Modded and unmodded game play as well as Career mode. I play some other space related games and anything else I find interesting. ----------Links------------------ My Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/goose79335 Steam Page - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Goosexi Twitter - https://twitter.com/Goosexi Email - GoosexiKSP@gmail.com ---------------------------------- Some of the things I like to do... (All creations in these screens are unmodded gameplay) Minmus Base Alpha (Left) Kerbal Space Station (Right) Duna Base Beta (Left)Jool Explorer 14 (Right) Well... Thanks! I love this game and open to any ideas my subs have... as long as its reasonable. Thanks! I also feature other channels especially newcomers or someone you may of not heard of. I WILL feature you if you meet the criteria I look for in a channel.
  11. I must finish Delta V without Tears!
  12. Hey I don't know what happened to my old account but Im BACK! I think everything got deleted.... well I Got my spacecraft the Jool XI Manned spacecraft in orbit around Ike and decided to do a landing. Here's the video.
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