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Everything posted by exbyde

  1. Just curious, since there seems to have been no effort to restart it
  2. While the post above is being edited, i will leave this picture. On the right is the Kerban Dragster MK.II, MK.I on the right. In the center is the osprey shuttle.
  3. Looking for a fun multipurpose vehicle? Try the kerban dragster mark 2 from Jetset Rocketry What makes it so different? Well to start with, its a shuttle ,capable of carrying 2 kerbans (1 passenger, 1 pilot) and 2 space probes to munar orbit and back from a refuel in kerbin orbit. Next, its a lander, allowing for vertical landings on the moon. Finally, its a rover. it uses 3 landing gears to transition from vertical to horizontal, then the nosewheel retracts, leaving 4 drive wheels to pull it around. Extend the nosewheel again, and you can light your engines, find a hill, and launch your dragster back into munar orbit to rendevous with nearby stations or to land again, significantly reducing travel time. All this at a mass of just 21.67 fueled. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0BLSenEyTdTbktaYXFKNEJPa2M/edit?usp=sharing (photos to come)
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