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Posts posted by Kerbface

  1. Oh, a difficult question. I don't know if I could pick one. I'll briefly explain a few of my favourites.

    TES III: Morrowind. I only discovered this post-Oblivion. It's hard to say it's one of my favourites in terms of playing it, there are a lot of problems and limitations, though also many aspects better than subsequent games, but what I really love MW for the most is it's world. So much better than OB and SK, had such a strong sense of unique culture and lore, the cities were cities, it has such a great atmosphere, all those different designs and so on. Awesome.

    Crash Bandicoot 1 and 3. 2 never got me for some reason, but 1 and 3 are absolute classics. Perfect simple but awesomely fun linear platforming.

    Crash Team Racing. I still maintain this is the best kart game I've ever played, including all Mariokarts. Just the control of the things felt so visceral and cartoonishly exciting, Looney Tunes sort of style. In Mariokart I always feel like everything's made of foam and rubber floating on a plastic floor coated in oil.

    Spyro. Particularly Spyro 2. It was my favourite game as a kid, and the series felt like a parallel to Crash Bandicoot in some ways, and that sort of carried over to Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank on the next consoles, though I didn't play much of Jak and Daxter.

    Simcoaster. Perhaps if I were older I might have preferred RC Tycoon, but for me, Simcoaster was the ultimate Theme park game. I loved the coaster building system and how you could do audience view for all the rides, plus walking around.

    Jurrassic Park: Operation Genesis. Very sadly overlooked PS2/PC game. You MAKE YOUR OWN JURASSIC PARK! How is that not awesome? It was a Tycoon, like Simcoaster, and a great one. What I would give to see a sequel. I lived setting up Safari trips in the cages with the dinosaurs and crafting the island and everything. Plus it was fun when they got loose. It had well balanced, progressive gameplay that had you constantly expanding your park and optimising it for visitor appeal.

    Hercules and Tarzan. Disney made some seriously good games for PS1.

    Super Mario 64. I didn't have a 64, but this was so awesome, I played it whenever I was at somebody's house and they had it.

    Rally Cross 2. Don't know how well it would hold up today. But this was a great fun racer when I was a kid and the first I'd seen where you could make your own tracks, so fun.

    EDIT: Oh! Oh! Kula World. Such a good puzzle game. I couldn't remember the name of it for ages until one day it popped up on the PS3 Playstation Store.

  2. 2001: Space Odyssey - pretty accurate for the space craft. the exception was the orbital station that was spinning: it was too fast, but even at appropriate rotational speed, normal people couldn't handle the Coriolis effect. Same goes for the vessel moving to Jupiter.

    Yes for the 5.5rpm 5m radius Discovery centrifuge, but Space Station V too fast? Hardly! It's 1rpm, people have been shown to be able to adapt fairly easily to at least 2rpm. The lunar level gravity was not terribly well demonstrated on-screen in either craft though.

  3. I really do think the only logical explanation, unless the devs have plans to add animals, that the kerbals are plants unless there were a lot of underground dwelling proto-kerbals or a different evolutionary chain of animals underneath (Which when I think about it would regulate the Eco-system and greenhouses gases ect.) the surface which the kerbals evolved from. Just to add, these are the reasons I think kerbals are plants for now. Not a bias 'It's green... PLANT!" kinda thing.

    And although the devs have said they're not plants... ehh...science... I don't want to sound ignorant for trusting something other than the main source of the game though, them being the people that made it and all... I just... science..

    I also noticed that there is no terrain deformation in Kerbal Space Program, therefore the surface of every planet must be made of coloured diamond. When objects hit the ground at a high speed, they explode and dissapear, there's no way they can be made out of aluminium, steel, carbon fibre or anything else, as it has to be a material that combusts and vapourises upon impact.

    Do you see the point I'm trying to make in regards to the GAME and SCIENCE?

  4. I think a Lunar base would be good if the world goes into a nuclear war, people can be safe and then go to earth when it's safe,

    A huge moon-based economic centre that can survive independently, you mean... That's more than just a base and would cost countless billions or trillions. Plus if the whole world was in Nuclear war, what's to stop nukes being sent to the moon colony as well? Treaties? Doubt it.

  5. Considering their star is modeled after our star, and our star emits primarily in the green light (which is why plants are green), and Kerbals are green, that actually makes a lot of sense.

    Before anybody asks, the sun appears yellow due to some phenomena with light that is beyond me that causes the yellow light to visually overpower the green.

    Green things reflect green light and absorb light that is not green. Just saying.

  6. Indeed, it's hard to grow meat. But since the diet of the Kerbals is unknown and we know Kerbin has plenty of plants and apparently no animals, I'd suggest they are probably vegetarian. Could also explain their colour, after all, flamingos are pink because of the amount of shrimp they eat.

    Regardless of whether the average Kerbal is vegetarian or not, it's perfectly possible for both humans and presumably Kerbals to live without animal products, and on a self-sustaining mission, this would probably be the case, as growing animals for consumption is just a waste and in that sort of situation, one you can't afford.

  7. The weight of spacesuits is one thing, but another thing restricting mobility in a spacesuit is pressure, with the internal pressure pushing the suit constantly into a shape that best distributes such pressure. Perhaps in the future, this problem could be rectified using artificial muscles, which I believe are currently in development, positioned at joint bends in the suit, that are activated by sensors that detect motion or electrical signals from human muscle movement to replicate the motion of the wearer. I remember reading about the use of sensors to allow movement in robotic exoskeletons being studied currently.

  8. The idea makes me uncomfortable, but I don't feel like going into detail about that. Anyway, as for death, I'm really a bit terrified of it, but I still think I'd prefer it to living forever as a computer, and hope I can eventually come to terms with it. This poem gives an interesting perspective on eternal sleep.

    Here, where the world is quiet ;

    Here, where all trouble seems

    Dead winds’ and spent waves’ riot

    In doubtful dreams of dreams ;

    I watch the green field growing

    For reaping folk and sowing,

    For harvest-time and mowing,

    A sleepy world of streams.

    I am tired of tears and laughter,

    And men that laugh and weep ;

    Of what may come hereafter

    For men that sow to reap :

    I am weary of days and hours,

    Blown buds of barren flowers,

    Desires and dreams and powers

    And everything but sleep.

    Here life has death for neighbour,

    And far from eye or ear

    Wan waves and wet winds labour,

    Weak ships and spirits steer ;

    They drive adrift, and whither

    They wot not who make thither ;

    But no such winds blow hither,

    And no such things grow here.

    No growth of moor or coppice,

    No heather-flower or vine,

    But bloomless buds of poppies,

    Green grapes of Proserpine,

    Pale beds of blowing rushes

    Where no leaf blooms or blushes

    Save this whereout she crushes

    For dead men deadly wine.

    Pale, without name or number,

    In fruitless fields of corn,

    They bow themselves and slumber

    All night till light is born ;

    And like a soul belated,

    In hell and heaven unmated,

    By cloud and mist abated

    Comes out of darkness morn.

    Though one were strong as seven,

    He too with death shall dwell,

    Nor wake with wings in heaven,

    Nor weep for pains in hell ;

    Though one were fair as roses,

    His beauty clouds and closes ;

    And well though love reposes,

    In the end it is not well.

    Pale, beyond porch and portal,

    Crowned with calm leaves, she stands

    Who gathers all things mortal

    With cold immortal hands ;

    Her languid lips are sweeter

    Than love’s who fears to greet her

    To men that mix and meet her

    From many times and lands.

    She waits for each and other,

    She waits for all men born ;

    Forgets the earth her mother,

    The life of fruits and corn ;

    And spring and seed and swallow

    Take wing for her and follow

    Where summer song rings hollow

    And flowers are put to scorn.

    There go the loves that wither,

    The old loves with wearier wings ;

    And all dead years draw thither,

    And all disastrous things ;

    Dead dreams of days forsaken,

    Blind buds that snows have shaken,

    Wild leaves that winds have taken,

    Red strays of ruined springs.

    We are not sure of sorrow,

    And joy was never sure ;

    To-day will die to-morrow ;

    Time stoops to no man’s lure ;

    And love, grown faint and fretful,

    With lips but half regretful

    Sighs, and with eyes forgetful

    Weeps that no loves endure.

    From too much love of living,

    From hope and fear set free,

    We thank with brief thanksgiving

    Whatever gods may be

    That no life lives for ever ;

    That dead men rise up never ;

    That even the weariest river

    Winds somewhere safe to sea.

    Then star nor sun shall waken,

    Nor any change of light :

    Nor sound of waters shaken,

    Nor any sound or sight :

    Nor wintry leaves nor vernal,

    Nor days nor things diurnal ;

    Only the sleep eternal

    In an eternal night.

  9. But none on kerbin, as far as anyone's seen; just small shrubs, kerbals and grass. Maybe there's some kind of massive extinction event happening? Would explain what happened to the palms...

    OR the devs are making a space program and don't want to waste resources on massively complicated ecosystems and you just use suspension of disbelief.

  10. We've settled with the conclusion of kerbals are plants of some form, though not weather they normally photosynthesize or do something different, or what they're made of.

    No we haven't... some people are saying they are plants, others are saying "No, that makes no sense. They are clearly animals, though it's possible (but not necessarily true) that they share some plantlike characteristics like photosynthesis".

  11. not unless there's a 180 in attitude from the current administration. The current administration has openly stated the US is not exceptional and in should not aim to be in any way special.

    They've effectively given on on the can-do attitude Americans have always been known for and replaced it with a cannot-do-its-too-expensive-and-risky attitude.

    Damnit... this is one of those areas where that attitude is useful...

  12. Also, the moon wouldn't work. Earth has already been hit by a planet like object before and earth is still here. The planet like object was also the object that ended up becoming our moon.

    I know, but it would probably smash a large chunk out of it and cause absolutely gigantic tremors, altering the shape of the Earth and turning it into a big volcanic wasteland. Yes, in a few billion years it would spring back, but that's an awful long time.

  13. The new Movie Maker is called 'live' or something but the Movie Windows Movie Maker 2.6 still runs fine if you can find/source it. You just need to search for it.

    It was called live, they've removed that part now. I know about 2.8, and it's the one I'd rather use, only problem is it has very limited output options, is not of amazing quality, and doesn't accept a lot of filetypes, including the video from my camera.

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