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Everything posted by SpacecraftX

  1. Is it not working with CKan for anyone else? I get this error: AVP-4kTextures v1.7 depends on AstronomersVisualPack, which is not compatible with the currently installed version of KSP
  2. Do you want to get us shut down? Cause that's how you get us shut down. If you bring a gigantic corporation's attention to modding as a potential liability they are not going to be helpful. They are just going to eliminate or severely restrict the potential for liability.
  3. So I got a black screen behind the UI and and I was unable to revert, quicklod or go to the space center. I accidentally used whack a kerbal on the runway during takeoff and the plane was destroyed in the exploding runway. Upon trying to revert this happened. The output log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xyrr86pbdi414i0/output_log.txt?dl=0 My PC build: -8GB RAM -AMD Athlon x4 860k processor -Nvidia GT730 graphics card
  4. Ah. Thanks. Never really encountered this before as until now I've never had a need to do that until career mode and the new aerodynamics and heating. You've been super helpful.
  5. Yes I am decoupling 3 small pods at once. I need to return multiple Kerbals if for tourism or if I'm taking Pilots and Scientists so I used multiple pods because I'm saving up science for the larger one.
  6. I quit the game and restarted it and I'm not able to replicate it. I has happened twice in two separate launches so it may well happen again. I didn't know how to post the logs before. - - - Updated - - - Okay so It's happening again and I can't return my Mun Science to the space center. None of the UI buttons working including the recover buttons. Output_Log dropbox link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/xyrr86pbdi414i0/output_log.txt?dl=0 My System: Ram - 8GB Processor - AMD Athlon x4 860k Graphics card - Nvidia GT730 with 4GB VRAM
  7. I quit the game and restarted it and I'm not able to replicate it. I has happened twice in two separate launches so it may well happen again. I didn't know how to post the logs before.
  8. So I found that twice, upon crashing my lifter I could not revert though I made sure that the game was on normal difficulty with reverts allowed. I tried quickloading too but nothing happened. Now twice I have had to go into the save file and manually reset the state of my orange suits to alive and get back the money and rep lost . Anyone else have this? Is there a way to stop it? Is it just a bug? I cant exit to the space center either so this means I was forced to exit the game.
  9. You should be employed at squad to help them with optimization.
  10. Jesse cox does seriously need help. He is awful and the other guy is ok but not great. He is not to helpful to Jesse. I am right aren't I you meant Jesse cox? I assumed that because of the name of the craft.
  11. Hey chief! I could be wrong, but i think we may be about to collide violently and face first with the Munar surface. This makes me feel scared of the Munar surface. One thing we could do is burn retrograde to lessen the the force of impact. SMASH!
  12. No because Duna has no oxygen in its atmosphere. Jet engines do 't work there for that reason.
  13. This could work really well and probably isn't too difficult to implement. If they can add resources they can add meaning to science parts.
  14. The Messerschmidt ME 163 sparrow. The German WW2 rocket powered fighter. It's he sort of thing I'd imagine Kerbals building. Dem Germans were quite Kerbal.
  15. Mother of god. These are amazing!
  16. That would be totally AWESOME! You could do this but with a VTOL jet ingame. A grappling hook would be sweet.
  17. I think this is a brilliant idea. We know it can be done because even duke nukem forever was able to do something similar and that game was terrible. This could work really well for players. It'd also be interesting to see what can be done with this tool if some really clever minds got their hands on it.
  18. Have tried the Mk3 internal mod before but I can't get it to work with anything 0.20 and forward. Do they work for you? If so tell me what to do because I followed the installation instructions to the letter and i tried but they are out of date and I've tried doing it in gamedata/squad/command/Mk3 and it still doesn't work. Have tried some other methods but all fail.
  19. For so long we've been waiting for cockpit internal so that we get the same immersion that we do from a lander can, a Mk1 cockpit or a space pod. Hopefully Squad will get around to this soon. Anyone else think that it's about time we saw some internals for all the pods? Especially considdering that the hitchhiker got one before the Mk 1 and Mk 2.
  20. I hope the update doesn't reduce my performance too much.
  21. Hey volt. I'm an air cadet too. I'm going from Scotland to Wales to RAF Llambedr for annual camp. Nice to see that other cadets on the internet every now and them. It's a small world i guess.
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