I think we just have a good old fashioned misunderstanding here. It sounds like you believe that the OP is asking for all 14 biomes to be automatically added to the ship whenever you fly over them, or something of that nature. From what I can tell, that isn't what he's asking for at all- The way that biomes are determined is completely arbitrary and in many instances looks identical to other biomes. As of right now, the only way to determine your biome is by getting out of your pod and doing an EVA report, but there's absolutely no reason against simply showing what biome you're currently in on the HUD. The reasoning for this is similar to showing altitude, velocity, or fuel. It isn't NECESSARY, but it makes for better game design and just makes sense in general. You would still have to EVA to gather the science for said biome, but you would know when you'd have to get out of your ship. You wouldn't know which way to go for the next biome, or anything like that- it'd just say at the top left or something; 'Biome: Grasslands' as a piece of information available to the player.