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Everything posted by AngelLestat

  1. i know very well the structure of the space shuttle tank, and that is an example that shows that I am right. The size of the space shuttle is 1/2 the size of the orange tank. And in my example I have a tank that has 100 times more volume than the pod, using a NERVA engine with more ISP than the space shuttle. And it does not matter if I use different tanks or nerva engine sizes, the delta V always sucks. So.. THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG. So what are you saying? That the problem is in how KSP do the math? What is the DLL for? We are getting less than the 1/4 of delta V that we should get using h2 and nerva. I dont have any experiencie modifying dll or other engine game files. But maybe we need to add new algorithm depending what kind of fuel is using it. Or.... change the isp value of the nerva engines, with some crazy value like 3000 just to maintain realism and balance.
  2. If you think that nerva engines with this mod are ok.. why you dont do your own tests??? Try to get any benefic from them. How I said.. THEY ARE TOTALLY POINTLESS. Something is WRONG with the mod or the config stats. I dont know very much about how this mod is doing the math, but if someone show me maybe I can help to find where is the problem. Somebody said that we need to use big tanks.. So what about this test: I use the big nerva engine from novapunch, but also I did the same test with 3 and 4 stock nerva engines (almost same power output). And in all cases is the same. How you can see, I use solid rockets to start the burm after 20 km in almost vaccum. Is all H2... is very lighter. AND ALL THAT FUEL only to rise 1 small pod. Well with all that and 900 of ISP! I cant enter in orbit around mun!!! So when someone said that is becoz we dont take into account the h2 weight or something else.. Is INSULTING. Use your imagination.. do you guys think that if we got in real life 1 little pod with a tank that is 100 times more big with a nerva engine (all in orbit) we will get only 1500 delta V??? Seriusly??
  3. I dont know what version are you using it. But with 0.21 and the last cherstbuster config files, nerva engines still sucks. They are totally pointless. No matter how light is H2, something is wrong there. You always get the worst worst delta v ever with any kind of tanks. I just want something to look real, for example, comparing with real rockets get similar benefics. I love the direction that this mod is taken and the oportunities that give us, but still needs some work.
  4. Is what I was asking, but nobody answer. I put more details in the question here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31706-0-20-Modular-Fuel-System-1-3-realistic-fuels-reconfigurable-fuel-tanks-and-engines?p=545261&viewfull=1#post545261 Can someone answer us? We are doing something wrong ?
  5. UH you guys are still discussing about heat in space? Well I will help to clear this out so then someone can help me to know whatt is wrong with the nerva engines. Is true that in a space station if you dont manage well the heat, it will become a problem. How Starwaster said the heat source comes from: "(sunlight, equipment, computers, etc)" and human heat. But also is not difficult get rid of excess heat in space. if you have anti-radiation panels like those in space station, then the heat from the sun is not a big issue. And in space, if you want to get rid of heat, you can do it in high effiency using heatsinks. For that reason the space station only has some small heatsinks to solve all the issue. Becoz is more effiecient radiate with heatsink in space than here. Becoz in space (with no direct sunlight or earthlight) you had a background radiation about 3 kelvin. You will understand better this if you see the Stefan-Boltzmann Law. When you have: (heat emitted in watt) = material * bolltzman constant * Area * (Body1Temp^4 - Body2Temp^4) Here in earth you will find that all bodys are almost at the same temperature, so the radiation that comes from other bodies is almost the same that comes out from yours. So a common case of thermal dissipation in earth by radition it will be like this: (300k^4 - 280^4) (this is only a delta of 20 degrees), but in space it will be (300k^4 - 3k^4) and that is a big big number. You will see the heatsinks in the space station, and almost all of them are to improve the solar cells efficiency. These are always in parallel with the sunlight radiation. But back to the discucion, there is not a easy way to make a whole tank not be affected by radiation and keep a cryogenic temperature how we need. So the cost-benefic that you get is not so great. PD: I just saw The Lone Wolfling post. I will check later if that has something to do with the nerva problem that I am seeing.
  6. I know that H2 is low density, for that reason I am using 2 orange tanks to rise 1 silly pod with help of 3 big solid booster! But even that.. there is something very wrong here. The space shuttle use also H2 with O2, and the orange tanks is not 20 times more big than the shuttle! Also the nerva engines had to be very efficient!! and they are not. So if there is not a install problem, I have to said there is a big problem in the parameters. How much H2 can enter in the tanks or how much energy you get from them or I dont know..
  7. I fail to get any benefit using hydrogen or nerva engines. So there are 3 options. -I am doing something wrong. -My instalation is not ok. -Something is wrong in the parameters. I want to believe that is one of the first two. I am testing with 0.21 ksp version and I add the 1.3 modular fuel system in advance with the last Chestburster parameters with nova punch mod. This is one rocket: subir imagenes gratis subir imagenes gratis You can see that I am using the nerva engine from nova punch (I also did the same test with 4 original nerva engines) The 2 orange tanks has full hidrogen, the cone tank has oxigen. The solid booster reach 15 km, So I start burning H2+oxigen, then when the oxigen is out I change to full H2. And with all that, I can not enter in orbit around mun. Something is very wrong there. Nerva engines had a ISP of 900 in vaccum. But the fuel drop very fast still. I can get more delta V with a 1/10 of the fuel without using hidrogen or nuclear engines. So.. what I am doing wrong? When I install this mod, I unzip the fuel.zip that comes with the mod, and then I unzip the chestburster config file remplacing all the others.
  8. The only 2 light that we have, are big. If we want to make a small probe the lights are too big and heavy. The few mods who adds lights are only for airplanes. No for lighting purpose.
  9. This is compatible with nova punch? In the first page it does not said nothing about nova punch, but scott matley mentioned and some guy from the 25 page also did.. So the question remains.. Is this compatible with nova punch? And one more question, how real are the values of nova punch mod? becoz some engines has an isp of 430.
  10. Hey luminaut, where do you locate all the air intakes?? I dont see them. The problem of that design is that you are using turbines, They are a lot more efficient, but they reaction time to throttle changes is slow. So the risk to land is higher. But I like it.
  11. Yeah, and i want to add something. First we know that the 3 parachutes that we need to brake something like that are really big, and that is not enoght to land on land. So we need to add the fuel of the helicopter who recover the astronauts and the capsule. The parachutes can be damage in the re-entry, or the armospheric conditions can also be a problem. And we only need the amount of fuel to brake the capsule from 70 m/s (terminal velocitie) to 0 m/s So... is a good idea if one takes into account all costs from both systems.
  12. Cheat!!! And it seems that has a new texture improvement mod. seriously, who did not make this same model in the game?
  13. I see all the pictures, these are what I like most: (with link) stanonwheels stanonwheels2 Logan.Darklighter Logan.Darklighter2 dom.stb stanonwheels3 LostPsychonaut stanonwheels4 I dont know what was your idea behind this one, but a docking port in a rotating space station has more sense if it is in the center. Space odyssey style. jhonneyboy This is my interplanetary space station 1.9 version. With full fuel can reach jool system and back, I need to be carefull with the RCS, it has 2 big tanks and 4 small ones, but I guess is not enought if you need to make many manouvers. I already desactivate the middle RCS ports, I will have an improvement there. I want to carry one airplane to fly in the planets with atmosphere and a hot air globe probe. i still need to design those. Well I hope you like it. Mods Used: KSPX, IoncrossCrewSupport, KAS mod, cargobay, robotic arm, Jool V, crew manifest, mechjeb2, nautilus, (The engine is nuclear engine from a mod, I modify doubling their weight, the isp is 100 - 950 and I add electrity consumption with a ratio of 10. Just to make solar panels usefull and the isp more realistic)
  14. Carl Sagan: yeah, that is the idea, but with smaller crafts (no shuttles). I will use a shuttle only to carry fuel, cargo or kerbals to the ship when this is on kerbin. ì•„ë“œ 아스트ë¼ í¼ 아스페ë¼: I forget about that, it would be more realistic considering the fact that are nuclear engines and there is crew behind. Also I dont know if the inflates modules block something of the impulse.. there are far away... but maybe there is still an effect. Someone knows how KSP projected and calcs the impulse of the engines when something if in the way? elkar: I use these Docking ports (the large ones), but now the version .20 had one large too at least the paramenters seems very similar, I dint test them in the ship yet, becoz thats mean make everything again, and some mods dont work in 0.20. But I guess I know what your problem is. The first time I use the large cone nose adapter that came with the game (this is really weak by the way, like a flan) to attach the engine strut with the docking port, and adding other design issues I had the same problem. If I can see an image of your IPV maybe I can tell you where is the problem.. Becoz I had many corrections and failures as well. But now behave very solid the whole ship.
  15. not, is a separate install. 0.19 I wanna leave many mods behind for the 0.20, idk which yet.
  16. Well, like everyone else, I arrive at the time to build a space station, but I dint see much utility (and fun) in make something stationary, so I make it mobile; to be more accurate is an interplanetary ship for long time period. For the design, I inspire in the Avatar ship. I knew that if I place the engines in front will be a lot more easy to control and would save me on reinforcing structures. The ship is divided in 4 section that I manage to place in orbit separately using the Jool V rocket, less the engine that I launch it with jet turbines and emptying the tanks. The sections are: 1- Engine and fuel tanks. 2- Solar Panels, RCS and batteries. 3- Docking Ports, Cargo and Live support - oxigen and CO2 filter 4- Crew with gravity ring and escape pods With full fuel can reach jool system and back, I need to be carefull with the RCS, it has 2 big tanks and 4 small ones, but I guess is not enought if you need to make many manouvers. I already desactivate the middle RCS ports, I will have an improvement there. I want to carry one airplane to fly in the planets with atmosphere and a hot air globe probe. i still need to design those. Well I hope you like it. Mods Used: KSPX, IoncrossCrewSupport, KAS mod, cargobay, robotic arm, Jool V, crew manifest, mechjeb2, nautilus, (The engine is nuclear engine from a mod, I modify doubling their weight, the isp is 100 - 950 and I add electrity consumption with a ratio of 10. Just to make solar panels usefull and the isp more realistic)
  17. This was my faster try until now.
  18. the thing that i most want but i know that they will not be in this update are: -photovoltaic panels power according to the square distance. -Minning resource, cost and reusable parts implemented. -life support -Effiecent use of memory and cores.
  19. you can land with that think using deadly re-entry mod? Is hard to raise the nose up when you are close to the landing strip?
  20. how do you launch that? you can share the file? Is only b9 mod or you use something else?
  21. In my case it will be my Atmospheric Launcher, it cuts me by a lot the fuel needed to raice any heavy payload unto 20 km at 400 m/s aprox. You can test it if you want. Is all stock. als-spider.zip
  22. yeah, many times with heavy rockets i do it at 20 or 24km some times. All depends on the speed and rocket design. If you use some nuclear engines you want to gain height fast, so maybe 30 k is not out of the question. Also if you had too much drag, even if your rocket is fast, is convenient do it late. I guess everybody does it a little earlier what they should becoz they take the shuttle example. But the shuttle needs that inclination early on to balance the tank weight.
  23. Look, I also did a b9 craft with vtol, it works very nice. You can see more images from different approachs here: http://postimg.org/gallery/56mt7b3e/
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