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Everything posted by PieGoesHere

  1. For the time being I'm only putting off downloading KOSMOS because it's not updated to the current KSP version. Back in 0.23 it used to be my general and launcher parts pack of choice. I'd imagine the fact it isn't updated would contribute to the low download numbers.
  2. Get a download manager with download resuming and try using that, Spaceport is stupid and messes up the download if it takes too long.
  3. You don't find a door, there is none; to manage crew in and out the KOSMOS SSPP pieces, you use another mod called Kerbal Crew Manifest (I think).
  4. As much as I like bobcat's work, I use cbbp's pack for station and rocket building
  5. Oh, I see! Thank you very much for your reply Cbbp! Keep up the good work on the SSPP/URM pack!
  6. "Also, I was going to suggest you choose a... "Delivery method" similar to how KW did their recent one, the pack itself and a lite textures pack. I remember you mentioning a few pages back that using TGAs is inefficient if compared to MBMs on the RAM and doubles or triples the usage, as it is set up now, you offer us the TGAs so, if we want, we can resize them to change texture load. Offering us the pack with MBMs would maybe even remove the need to resize it for some people, and the lite pack with resized MBM textures would lower the ram load even further! So, tl;dr: less customizability for better performance!"
  7. As far as I'm aware, he is busy with a couple of things right now, it will get updated for career eventually, as of now you can just manually update each part in the pack into it by yourself to do the trick Still wanting to hear something about my suggestion posted a few pages back.
  8. Hey "genius", look again, models aren't finished, nor textures are, I suggest you re-consider your suggestion, since he's right. It may actually be some time before this mod is released. I do not wish to argue about this further. Best of luck to the modder, keep up the good work, it is appreciated by the community!
  9. Any comments about the suggestion I made a few pages back? Specifically: "Also, I was going to suggest you choose a... "Delivery method" similar to how KW did their recent one, the pack itself and a lite textures pack. I remember you mentioning a few pages back that using TGAs is inefficient if compared to MBMs on the RAM and doubles or triples the usage, as it is set up now, you offer us the TGAs so, if we want, we can resize them to change texture load. Offering us the pack with MBMs would maybe even remove the need to resize it for some people, and the lite pack with resized MBM textures would lower the ram load even further! So, tl;dr: less customizability for better performance!" Could be something to be delivered with the future R&D integration update..
  10. I'm getting shrouds on the engines when I select them, and they don't come off. http://puu.sh/50d7B/9c7ea098b9.jpg I'm using the fixed NoAutoShroud .cfgs availble on the first post with KW 2.5.4
  11. First off, being able to use kerbals to collect experiment results in EVA and storing it on his capsule; as of now, the only options we have for collecting the science from experiments is either transmitting it back at a somewhat considerable loss or bringing it back with yourself. Allowing us to use kerbals in EVA to take notes/collect the results of the experiment (even at a loss, maybe, say... only 90% of the data is kept, to give it some meaning rather than just transmitting) and storing it on their pods (more thought could be put into this, but as a placeholder limit the capacity of how many results you can carry to, say, 4, and also make it so you can only store one result per experiment, so it doesn't stack that badly) so they can bring it back on reentry can make more sense than bringing the entire craft down, with the experiments already done, sometimes, even though you lose a bit of science for doing it, are limited to one note per experiment, and you're limited to the previously suggested number of how many results you can bring back on your pod. This can give us a reason to do manned missions instead of probed ones, since we can simply perform the experiments where we wish to, collect them, discard the science part and go back home with the results. My second suggestion is in regard to antennae, to have some purpose in keeping them open, make them passively produce science while they're extended, at the cost of electricity(or not), to help prevent farming of science through this method, make the quantity of science produced by it exponentially decrease, so it never stops giving out science, but it very quickly starts to do it a lot slower.
  12. Personally, I like it as it is! Also, I was going to suggest you choose a... "Delivery method" similar to how KW did their recent one, the pack itself and a lite textures pack. I remember you mentioning a few pages back that using TGAs is inefficient if compared to MBMs on the RAM and doubles or triples the usage, as it is set up now, you offer us the TGAs so, if we want, we can resize them to change texture load. Offering us the pack with MBMs would maybe even remove the need to resize it for some people, and the lite pack with resized MBM textures would lower the ram load even further! So, tl;dr: less customizability for better performance! Thanks for the work you're doing on this modpack Cbbp, I consider it to be the best there is!
  13. I think this has been asked and answered before, but what will be the capacity of the shuttle's bay when it's out? And how much will it be able to take on to orbit?
  14. Indeed, what I meant to say was the first one from the left to the right.
  15. In my humble opinion, the first one looks better than the rest.
  16. Is that actually true? (and by that I mean, tested and confirmed?)
  17. I too am having problems with the pack if I get into the game with the entire pack in, it crashes removing the fairings and fairingbases allows me to get into the game, but I crash in the transition between the spacecenter scene and the VAB scene. any fixes for this?
  18. I could be missing something here, but is there any way to adjust the angle of the top of the fairing to have more of a conical shape ? because, currently, this happens: http://i.imgur.com/uIAMepO.jpg thanks in advance.
  19. Any progress on getting the SSPP on an alternate link? Been trying to download it this whole afternoon with no success
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