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Posts posted by Rhyunix

  1. Hi all,

    I've been trying to create this Octagonal fuel tank structure, I have modeled and textured it, but it's in .blend format right now. I can't log into Unity, it won't accept my account and I can't get hold of them to query why. How can I get it from .blend to .mu? As well as this, is there anything else I need to do, with exception to the CFG file, I've made that? Thanks in advance

  2. Personally, whilst I have little knowledge in this field, I would suggest for the older ones challenging them to do Delta V equations and explaining to them orbital mechanics, for the younger ones, give them a task a bit like LEGO- make something that does something, whether it's in space or on the ground; for example, mouse trap?

  3. Hey Mikey,

    Recently I also got a RAM upgrade (which fitted fortunately) but what I took from that was simply that precision is vital for adding bits to your computer. Msg me or question here if you want to find out exactly what RAM you want, assuming you have no clue

  4. Hi all,

    I've missed this game for around 4 months, but the thing I found annoying before, when I did play, was the lack of structural space station parts- they didn't feel meaty- and few mods had parts that I liked. So, with my limited experience and the many guides on this forum, I think I can make some parts for fun.

    So I threw together this mood board on the ideas I'm thinking of:


    Most of it is taken either from concept from NASA or real life space station parts. A common theme is octagons, which I like.

    So, if this page takes off, my project is go, but in the mean time:

    What do you think of the idea?



  5. Hi all,

    It feels so nice to be back! I had left the game for at least 6 months, whilst being zorbed into the game War Thunder. I have left because I expressed my opinion in a bad way, and was punished, and the changes being made to the game are simply ridiculous right now, so I'll be here whilst everything calms down :P (that's not saying I bring storm-clouds :/ )

    MOAR art for everyone!

    BETTER art ^^ *

    MAYBE even models?!

    (Gah, sorry mods, could you please move this to Welcome? I looked for it but scanned over it *facepalm* )

  6. Medium launcher passes test mission with flying colours

    Medium lifter testing part 2

    In orbit around Kerbin, the launch vehicle is prepared for a TMI burn


    Burning during TMI


    Stage separation, TMI/ OM/ Deadweight stage takes off


    I do a breaking maneuver around the Mun, then make a correction burn (hence the vehicle's incline) to meet the High orbit station "Julius"


    The dead-weight/ OM/ TMI stage comes within 100m of the station, but no less than 75m due to safety concerns- a clear demonstration of the capabilities of the Orbital Maneuver stage.



    Acknowledging voice print - SC1/2 Commander Nelrim


    Beginning Voice recording

    NELRIM: The fellas sent us a dead-weight package today- we knew it was coming, but it was exciting to see that they were making advances in their tech. Progress on the ground by the Pegasus crew has been good, but we haven't talked much, just com-checks to make sure they are alive. The craft they sent is "going to become a regular" so we had a good look at it through the window - Fredlas has taken up a good role of photography, so as the craft pitched around like a bull, he took High res pictures. Err...

    Julius Com: Would you like me to stop re-

    NELRIM: Just a second Julius... all is well up here KSC, the crew are great- we're getting the job done, out

    Julius Com: Now?

    NELRIM: Yes, now

    Julius Com: Recording End


    The craft then returns home, via an aerobrake maneuver, that doesn't go well and overshoots, forcing me to use the OM stage to put it into a manageable orbit of approx. 400, 000m- I may bring it back, but I think I'm going to redesign the upper stage as one craft for re-usability- that's it for now, stay tuned!





    Medium lifter testing Part 1

    The design of this rocket is unique in some senses- for example, the rocket's second stage consists of jettison-able rockomax fuel tank "blisters" round the side of the main engine; the payload controller actual, at the top of the rocket, is a unique design, from scratch; the payload lifting engine is using dual LV 909's. SESEOR wants to adopt this design into their space program, and since the design is merely fledgling, they input a significant amount of resources they reserved for lifters into the development. The design is destined to put an empty fuel tank around the Mun/ dock with Julius if the go-ahead is given

    Liftoff of the new payload lifter, intended to take a half sized Rockomax fuel tank to the Mun





    Second Staging



    In Orbit


  8. Hi all,

    I used to have a CD from eyewitness space, or something like that, but I don't any more as it has disappeared and no one else seems to remember it... probably played it too much, loved it to bits.

    Enough of the tangent! What I am asking here is two things:

    1- does anyone know of a place where the could "find" such CD (if it is not seen as an acceptable way of aquireing it, PM me *aarrgh...?*)

    2- does anyone know where I can find audio of astronauts, whatever form it comes in- I already know about the nasa archives and many google and YT searches have left me empty as well as sound sites, still run them past me anyway



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