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Everything posted by Rhyunix

  1. I like this- I am imagining that the camera angles came from an in-game mod?
  2. Well... this is... fantastic! I love the chapters, the Mun lander is beautiful and this has played out nicely! Got yourself a fan!
  3. Rhyunix


    Hello Spenzor! Welcome!
  4. You're gonna have to find this scene for me, I just google'd it and got vague space stuff - Thank you! I appreciate the comment, but I don't even have a artist hand... ish
  5. My first thoughts when I saw this were made of nostalgic pride
  6. There's no real fancy work put into this- just me, paint.NET and my mouse, possibly some music I guess; Thank you anyway
  7. An unfortunate robotic landing, but the rescue is still a go!
  8. I didn't think that you could swap whilst it was in the atmosphere?
  9. Haven't come here for a while, struck this up on my current work
  10. Basically, as part of my cinematic I'm working on, I needed a VTOL for a sea ship. This VTOL stuff was something I steered well away of nearly all the time due to laggy horizon and complicity. So, without any experience apart from designs I glanced over on the forum, I went and made this:
  11. I remember writing a massive letter about docking to the Devs, all about docking potential- if you saw the thread I made, then you'll know. I remember when it was just Kerbin- the joys of nostalgia
  12. I've only just stumbled across this mod due to your signature- I think its brilliant!
  13. How did you get them to fly simultaneously?!
  14. Congratulations! Was it in career mode? I haven't really left the kerbin system but I like it there
  15. Quite- Oh I do love reading this AAR, it just gets me every time
  16. I like this idea, nice layout too- Activating lurk mode
  17. It depends on angles and other variables - press alt & f12 and turn off gravity, then get jeb to move around. If it doesn't work then, show us pictures, we will look deeper into this
  18. Nassult? Important Projects? Awesomeness combined?! Yisss!
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