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Nuprin Feelgood

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15 Good

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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. Congratulations, welcome to unemployment. Thankfully there is KSP to fill your off time.
  2. you just need one decoupler per booster. If you need extra support for additional tanks, use struts.
  3. the Tab key switches between the two modes.
  4. Whenever I download a mod, I then unpack it to a specific folder I have for all my mods, outside of the game folder. This way I have clean copies of all the mods. Then I copy the mod pieces into the respective folders in my KSP folder. I also store my backups of clean vanilla game folders here. if you want to have a backup unmodded version, you should make backup copies of your parts, plugins, plugindata, resources and internals folders. I also recommend a clean backup of your Settings file. In case you decide to make tweaks to the cfg for performance reasons. Another advantage to having your mods stored in a separate folder, and just copying the pieces into your game when you want them, is that you have a reference of the mod pieces should you decide later to uninstall a mod. You can cross reference with the mod folder and see what files need to be removed from your game folder. Fortunately most of the best mods have highly identifiable folders for their parts and recognizable names for their plugins, which makes finding and uninstalling fairly easy. But having an organized system in place for your mods is always a good thing.
  5. Temstar is an inspiration to all. Thanks for all your hard work and for posting these incredible crafts.
  6. Hello and welcome, and without googling I am guessing you are from either South Korea or Saskatchewan...eh. Welcome to your new addiction.
  7. Very nice. I did something similar to teach myself how to dock.
  8. Be sure to also select the docking port you wish to view from and "control from here".
  9. If this were just a forum of Mods then maybe. But since Mods are only a fraction of the content, that would make no sense. And how is there confusion when every post has a date stamp clearly visible in the top left corner?
  10. I like both KW and NP. I also think KSPX is a must. Just make a copy of your unblemished Parts file before you add any mods, and you can always revert back. Also each of these mods comes with highly identifiable parts folders, so it is easy to remove specific parts you don't like.
  11. A Brothel. Because Kerbals get lonely, and what happens in space, stays in space.
  12. there is this, but I don't know if that is what you were looking for. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/launchpadobliterator/
  13. If you have already read/watched all the available tutorials then I recommend that you Get MechJeb 2.0.7 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mechjeb-2-command-pod-integration-0-19-1/ Even if you want to be a purist, and always fly manually, using MechJeb once to walk you through the steps necessary for rendezvous will teach you, in game, what you need to do. The new version has an excellent 'Rendevous guidance' window that can be very helpful. I use MechJeb to get the paths set, but I still dock/land manually. This, of course, assumes that you have a good build that is maneuverable and manageable. I also recommend using a couple of smaller pods to get the hang of things before you start trying to dock big ships together.
  14. I had a copy of this on my desk which met with an unfortunate coffee spill. I went to print a new one, but the original forum post where I had found it was lost in the recent kerfuffle. I did manage to find a copy of it online, and so I thought I would repost it for those who use it. I apologize for not knowing or remembering the original author of the image. I find it to be very useful and easy to read, so thank you to whomever created it. I repost it for others with respect. There is also an excellent map found in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/20993-Request-Delta-V-maps?highlight=delta
  15. Ringer.. No. I am talking about changing the name of the folders in the parts folder. This, in turn, changes the order in which they load into the game, and by consequence how they show up in the parts tabs in the VAB or SPH. The 'sub category' function in the cfg file does not have a function at present.
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