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John FX

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Everything posted by John FX

  1. Thanks KSP team, it was good while it lasted. Bye all.
  2. just stop. please.
  3. Reading the last few pages makes me content that I now post a lot less here than I used to. This place used to be people who wanted the game to be as good as it could be, who gladly helped people, and who saw the futility of arguing minor points back and forth until one party just gets fed up of doing so. Now, every comment which could be pounced upon, is pounced upon and the poster subjected to an endless stream of arguing the toss over minor points. I am sure this comment will suffer the same fate but I will not be checking to find out. Trolls will get no joy here. Please do not quote from this post, and do not @ mention me, I would rather nobody replied and I will not reply if you quote this post or mention me. I now dread the notification popup, I used to enjoy seeing it. EDIT : Please stop 'reacting' to this post, I really really do not want to see my notification light any more.
  4. Yes. To me some of the changes are clear. If you make a mod, write a story, or create anything to do with kerbals, and then they see it is popular and could be monetised, you have agreed to them having the right to just take it and sell it as theirs. Anything you create is theirs, not yours. You are not allowed to sell it, but they are allowed to take it from you and sell it.
  5. There very much is. It is plain. It has been stated. Back on topic, I agree the stock game is not very much fun without a Dv and TWR readout. EDIT : And if you look back through the thread you will find that the post where I said you will find it was many many hours before you posted So when you ignored my call for a compromise and used inflammatory language like `tyranny by majority` afterwards simply because I said more people wanted it than did not then accused me of not reading what you said I hope you can see why that was frustrating. Also, I do not think you are right that the majority matters less than a minority. If you truly want the compromise, notice when people suggest it, suggest it yourself, and stop being so binary in your interpretation of what is being posted. Nobody wants to force you to have a readout you do not want. If you continue to insist they are then don't get upset at me when you get called out on it. If you agree, agree. If you do not, do not. But please stop with the wind up language that is only flaming this thread up. I know you have been part of these discussions before where the conclusion was that an optional Dv readout would not detract from your game but would enhance the game of others. Why you choose to act as though that is not the case I do not know. So, I ask one last time
  6. So don't refer to my call for compromise as `tyranny by majority` if you want a sensible discussion. Try reading my posts, understanding them,and replying to them properly instead of a knee jerk reaction, eh? Then you will see that it is your perception that I am calling for there to be a choice which is false. We are still stuck on number four. AGAIN... Yes, the only conclusion that can happen which does not upset anyone. Yet people carry as though this has not been said many many many times. One way of judging this is to note that it is always the same four people who say they really want to calculate by hand, who then go on to ignore that everyone asks for the readout to be optional, and carry on claiming they will be forced to have one and that this is a reason for nobody else to have one in stock. This is not a valid reason, it is not helping. It is also rather disingenuous.
  7. It is not an argument for tyranny, it is making the point that while some players like to do calculations by hand, the majority of players do not and to ignore their wishes is to have a minor elite dictating policy to everyone else. To argue against it is to essentially argue that a dictatorship (or rule by established minority) is more valid than democracy (if you want to go to political systems) Now that really is something we should avoid. EDIT : This, we both agree on. The need is not limited to console players though and it really gets tiring and overly trite when features are dismissed with "Someone has already made that into a mod"
  8. point 4 They envisaged it as more fun than it actually is unless you regard typing numbers into Excel `fun` also point 3 This could be point 6 actually, console players do not even have the choice of KER or any other mod so any solution MUST be stock. This would eliminate fun for the majority of players (IMHO) once they want to do something like a tylo lander, or many things outside kerbin SOI. Yes, we know you would still enjoy it but you are not the majority of players.
  9. So many times we have had this thread. By now we can all agree some basic points so we can move on. 1, some people really do like to calculate Dv by hand 2, many many more people do not want to do this even if the maths were explained to them 3, a lot of players get turned off by the lack of information in the stock game 4, if a Dv readout were to be introduced there is no reason it should take away from the game of the players who do not want to use it. 5, of course a Dv readout would not cope with every single case 6, `5` does not matter because the people who build those `edge case` craft are mostly the ones who do not care so much about Dv I see from the posts above we are at `3`, could we move this on to the conclusion please? The conclusion is that it should be introduced, as an option, and with a caveat that it is not perfect in every case. Then we might get onto the conversation about a transfer window planner... point 4
  10. It reminds me of that picture on the web `stop liking things I don't like!`
  11. You connect to your router exactly the same way you always did and you continue using the modem's antenna. Nothing changes except you turn off DHCP on your router and turn it on on the pi. The pi just sits out of the way connected to your network (either through an ethernet cable or wifi) and handles DNS requests, which it then pi-holes, or passes on to a real DNS server of your choice. You can even give particular devices a static IP.
  12. I use a raspberry pi running Pi-Hole as my DHCP and DNS server. It looks at all the DNS requests any device connected to my network makes and just does not pass through any that are on your blacklist. Mostly I use it to stop ads. Works with tablets, phones, PCs, anything that uses DNS and DHCP. It speeds up the internet too because about 27% of the requests my PC wants to make to the internet are marketing, adverts, trackers and so forth. You get a handy web interface with graphs and things. Very nice. Lots of control. Just added the two addresses to stop KSP phoning home too. Or any other program that uses that service. On top, Windows asks me if any program can use the internet, I will just say `no` like always. Then I will not think about it again.
  13. I am still playing 1.2.x with RO/RSS/RP-0 and looking forward to 1.3.1. I just cannot find the enthusiasm to play stock any more.
  14. Just a few weeks now and it gets released. Then only a few months (at best) for RO/RSS/RP-1 to incorporate some of the new features and release for 1.4... Myself, I am looking forward to the 1.3.1 release which sounds like it will be soon, there are already dev versions out I am now in the `one release behind at best` group.
  15. I also suggested this when the game was still in Alpha... I use the suggestion forum more to point out the failings of Squad rather than having any confidence that anything posted here will make it into the game.
  16. Yeah, this. Also, sometimes I find that having a Dv readout that is wrong highlights times where I have put an engine or decoupler in the wrong staging point, which saves the whole mission.
  17. Very true. One of the first lessons I learned in business as not to be precious with my baby (the business/idea). I learned that every thing I held dear about the concept was liable to change, sometimes just be dropped, in the face of reality and the customer experience. No matter how much I think something is a good idea, if the people who I want to give me money do not think so they just will not give me money for it. That Squad have failed to learn this after years shows just how much the game is wanted by the users, they have accepted, and sometimes even rejoiced in, poor quality game making. Sure the coding has been mostly good but that is a different concept. You can code a bad game very well. It is the concepts that make up the game that are lacking, elements that have been started, then just left lying around to remind us of the plans for the game which have been half done, then left. Like the monoliths, kerbal stats like stupidity (what do they even do? Answer : Nothing!) Then, while not removing any bad or defunct ideas, they refuse to add essential ones to the game. Now they have moved on to paid DLC, there is slim to no hope that these issues will ever be addressed in KSP 1. It will always be a bunch of nearly finished parts of a game. For years they operated on hope and promises of a good game, now they have most of the money they will ever get for the main game they have just dropped it like a stone and the hope and promises of the good game have evaporated into the lack of communication that is classic Squad...
  18. Never going to happen. The game has been restricted by the ideas of a young harvester. They wanted a game with no autopilot and minimal information displays and this idea has stayed even in the face of all reason. Now the game has expanded beyond the original scope and is being crippled by those two design criteria. It is almost impossible to do interplanetary transfers without mods. You should not need a mod to do activities that are core functions in the game.
  19. Coding is coding. Every change, or feature, will need coding to some degree and there are always problems when coding, changes change things and you have to deal with that. This is normal. Problem coding is when you have an issue with something like multiplayer time warping, the issues are not doing the coding, they are external to the code. Trying to find an acceptable way for the idea to be implemented. When someone says something would not be difficult to implement what they are meaning is, it is just another coding job. In this case, it would be to inject code into the mod loading code so you could have an option to selectively not load some mods. Then in the cheat menu where you can reload all assets, expand that to unload all the assets then reload them based on a checklist. Then activate particular checklists based on the loaded game so selected mods are loaded when you load a save. Not too hard but time consuming and I am sure a better solution exists. Personally, I know coding but not the language used for KSP or the mods. This means I know enough to know should be relatively easy but could not do it myself. I admit that lately the `if it is so easy why do you not do it?` response to suggestions is wearing thin for me, like `there's a mod for that` which was the retort to suggestions for a while. It is like knowing a job would be easy for a plumber, like changing a radiator, but being unable to do it yourself. You could quite accurately say "That should be an easy job to do (for a plumber)" and your mate saying "if it so easy, I am sure you could do it yourself". The logic does not stand up to scrutiny. In a similar way, the suggestion from the OP would be an easy job (for a coder). If you are familiar with the code of the game, changes like this are pretty easy. It's your job. It would be a time consuming to do of course but so is all coding. Also the method I suggested might take as long as loading the whole game... Often, a solution when coding that works is very easy. What is hard is making your code elegant, small, and fast. And bug free of course.
  20. Just in case, before anyone starts, there is a whole thread devoted to the time warp issue with multiplayer. If you start to feel the need to talk about it, there is a place for that... I feel every thread about MP, whatever the original topic, devolves into that discussion eventually. Back on topic, I have thought for years that Squad would do better by just fronting it out and telling us what they plan to do. Almost every other game developer does that and accepts some people will be unhappy whatever they do. Squad seem... sensitive to criticism.
  21. That has been the holy grail of KSP for years now. I am not holding my breath... It seems there are issues with PhysX, hardware variations, and other things.
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