Good call that we dont want to wait another 2 months. When R3 will be released, what about the other boatparts? When I play, I have a rule to retrieve landed/stranded Kerbs at the end of their mission or to place a RIP in a graveyard. So Kerbal management is a big thing in my book. (Gives me a idea of what preparation is needed and the effort after a launch. Its more then just launching stuff.) But to do that, I use your boat parts, to make retrieval ships. The carrier is nice but for that idea its just overkill. Its not like I'm able to land a plane on it (Planes seem to dislike me) and I dont need a HUGE ship to grab some Kerbs from the water. DONT GET ME WRONG... I truely love this mod. 50% of my time in KSP, has been using your mod.