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Everything posted by PhoenixStar117

  1. YOU MUST UPDATE FOR 0.20!!! It seems to not work in KSP 0.20... The icon for the mod that you click (in launch/fly mode) in the top right corner is missing. Not sure if the mod itself is not working or if just the icon is not appearing.
  2. Just before you read, to those who have no idea what the strange signal is, here's a quick tutorial on what it is. There is a pyramid in the northern hemisphere of Duna. If you walk onto this strange pyramid, it will start to give off a weird sound signal. This signal is a SSTV image signal. The sounds can be translated into an image. How to translate the image: 1. Download the translator - http://users.belgacom.net/hamradio/rxsstv.htm 2. Open it. 3. Use it to translate the sound, have the sound playing while the RX button is pressed. 4. Not working? Well GOOGLE IT!!! This image download is mainly for those who know how to use the SSTV program and have been needing a download so they could translate it without actually having to go to Duna. As I said this is a spoiler so if you do not want to miss out on the fun of getting there, DO NOT USE THIS! There is two links to the download. The first one is ADF.LY, it is one of the only ways I can for a MC server I run, but it is optional to use it. And the other is just a direct link to mediafire. Adf.ly: [Modedit: Adfly link removed] Direct: http://www./?pnpl9pnl0p54n86 P.S. USE THE SCOTTY 1 FREQUENCY!!!
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